Alumni Memory: Moses Kanhai, BJ ’73

He Shoots, he scores!

Where were you when…?

Where were you when JFK was assassinated? Where were you when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon? Where were you when the twin towers were attacked in New York?

Some of us were fortunate to be alive when these events, happy or sad, occurred.

I remember those events — one of the joys of being a septuagenarian. I am glad that I had a special memory I can trace back to Carleton University and the School of Journalism.

Where were you when Canada played Russia in the iconic Summit hockey series? And better still, when Paul Henderson scored the winning goal for Canada?

I recall being in class in the tower on the day of one of the matches in Moscow. There we were sitting waiting for class to begin and there was a TV monitor staring back at us from the ceiling. Someone wondered out loud “we should be able to see the hockey game!”

The prof arrived and we half-seriously make the request. He had no problem with it. It was the best class I had. A day or two later, on the 8th floor of Glengarry House, the final game was on in the lounge.

How could any of us ever forget being there to witness Paul Henderson firing the shot past Vladislav Tretiak into the Russian net to seal the historic series with 34 seconds left. At a time of Cold War, it was the shot that brought all Canadians together in an act of national unity like nothing else in Canadian history. – Moses Kenhai (BJ ’73)

Alumni Memories are part of Carleton Journalism’s 75th Anniversary.

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