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Peggy Hartwick Receives FASS Teaching Development Award

Congratulations, Dr. Peggy Hartwick for receiving the FASS Teaching Development Award. The purpose of the award is described on the FASS website as the undertaking of “a major pedagogical advancement that clearly extends beyond the routine development of course materials”.

“In my award application, I proposed to ‘advance’ my teaching methods for ALDS 2203, Linguistic Theory and Second-Language Learning. My plan is to have students experiment learning a language with one of three AI platforms (Google Translate, ChatGPT, or Duolingo) and then reflect on their experience while making explicit connections to course concepts and theories. This learning process will be made visible in student ePortfolios and situated within a storytelling framework. The award will be used to hire an upper level student collaborator from ALDS to work alongside me in the creation and piloting of the tasks and rubric.”