Dr. Rebekah Ingram was recently featured in a story about the Atlas of Kanyen’kehà:ka (Mohawk) Space, a project in collaboration with Professor Kahente Horn-Miller in Carleton’s Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies. Alongside Akwesasne-based community researcher Ryan Ransom, Ingram and Horn-Miller are working in collaboration with Kanyen’kehà:ka communities to help build the atlas.

Ingram, a contract instructor in the School of Linguistics and Language Studies, received her PhD in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies in 2020. The atlas itself grew from Ingram’s doctoral work.

“Linguistics should be supporting language revitalization work, and traditionally we have not been very good at that,” Ingram explains. “The words on the pages of my thesis just weren’t doing the language and these placenames justice.”

The story, Remapping and Remembering: A Digital Map to Revitalize Indigenous Placenames, emphasizes the value of learning language through the landscape and highlights the importance of Indigenous data sovereignty.