The possibilities for financial aid and assistance are different depending on your program and whether you are:
IMPORTANT: Funding for the MA in Teaching English as an Additional Language (TEAL)
The School of Linguistics and Language Studies understands the financial commitment required to pursue a graduate degree, and while internal funding is not available for the MA TEAL, many external funding opportunities exist for competitive candidates.
The Carleton Graduate Students website lists numerous possibilities and other sources can be found at and
Many private financial institutions offer financing options (with particular rates and payment plans) to full-time students. Please contact a representative of your preferred financial institution for more information.
Provincial governments offer a variety of loan programs to help students finance their studies. Ontario residents may be eligible to apply for OSAP.
For Entering Students
If you are entering a graduate program in Linguistics or Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies and have a high academic standing, you can receive financial aid in the form of merit scholarships and teaching assistantships. These funds are awarded by Graduate Studies based primarily on prior academic performance, and are not available for students entering a qualifying year program, for part time students, or for returning students.
If your application is received by the deadline, and you have been accepted for full time study, you will automatically be considered for teaching assistantships and scholarships unless you indicate on your application that you do not wish to be considered. Decisions about funding for entering students are announced in April.
Merit Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to entering students either in combination with TAships, or on their own. Recommendations for these scholarships are made by the department based on academic grades of a previous degree and are available for top quality students.
Teaching Assistantships (TAships) provide students with employment in the university for a maximum of 10 hours a week during academic terms. MA students receive TAships for 2 years (over fall and winter terms for a maximum of four terms). PhD students receive TAships for 5 years (over fall and winter terms for a maximum of 10 terms). Partial TAships, requiring 5 hours a week rather than 10, are sometimes offered.
TAships are decided by the beginning of the term, and as far as is possible, placements are made according to the student’s interests and/or program of study. Most TAs assist in the Writing Tutorial Service, in credit ESL classes, in Modern Language classes, or in undergraduate courses in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics & Discourse Studies.
For Continuing Students
Continuing students in Linguistics or Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies are not eligible for the above funding. However there are other scholarships and bursaries available for students already in the program and planning to continue their studies into the following academic year. In addition, the School occasionally hires students to carry out work related to ESL or other special teaching or research projects for which individual faculty members have grants. Eligibility depends on merit, background, and previous experience.
Ontario Graduate Scholarships and student SSHRRC grants are not awarded by Carleton, but through province-wide and national competitions. You may apply if you have an A- average, or higher, in each of your last two years of study, and if you will be a full-time student in an Ontario University Graduate program during the year of the award. (You may apply in your last year of an undergraduate program if you are planning to do graduate studies the following year.) The awards are generous and competitive. If you are interested, please talk to your Advisor or Supervisor. Applications, along with two reference letters, must be received by the School by late October, for applications for the following year.
Students encountering unexpected financial need may apply for a graduate bursary of up to $1000 (please note that the maximum value is rarely granted). Students finding themselves in unexpected dire straits should speak to the Graduate Supervisor or Graduate Administrator about preparing an application.
This fund covers modest research costs incurred by full-time graduate students (e.g., for translation services, questionnaire production, mailing, field travel, supplies, telephone- -please note that photocopying costs for a thesis or research essay are not eligible). Applications, along with a brief description of the research project and need for funds, should be made to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. You will also need a letter from the Graduate Supervisor, attesting to the legitimacy of the request, and stating that no funds are available from faculty members’ own research funds, or from the School. Funds are not available retroactively.
Graduate Studies publishes a list of other bursaries and awards that students may apply for, or be nominated for by SLaLS. As each award has its own set of conditions and criteria, please check each one to determine whether you are eligible. The deadline for applications or nominations is usually in October. For more information please contact the Graduate Administrator.
Funding is available to help cover travel expenses for full-time graduate students presenting papers at Conferences. Applications can be made to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, the Graduate Students Association, and the Director of SLaLS. Applications must include an abstract of the presentation, a letter of acceptance, a budget that quotes the best travel fare available, and a letter of support from the Graduate Supervisor. Please note that usually, these funds only amount to partial coverage of your expenses. Funds are not available retroactively.