Photo of Eva Kartchava

Eva Kartchava

Associate Professor (Applied Linguistics & Discourse Studies); Sabbatical July 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Degrees:PhD (University of Montreal); MA (Concordia); BA Linguistics (Concordia); TESL Certificate (Concordia)
Phone:613-520-2600 x 3932
Office:PA 241


Eva Kartchava’s main research interest is to explore the processes involved in the acquisition and teaching of second/additional languages (L2) in the classroom setting. Her research has focused on Form-Focused Instruction, corrective feedback, the role of noticing in L2 learning, individual differences, as well as teacher cognition and education. Dr. Kartchava received her PhD in didactics of English as a Second Language from University of Montreal. She holds a bachelor’s degree in theoretical linguistics, a certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language, and a master’s degree in applied linguistics from Concordia University. She has taught courses in applied linguistics and teacher education at various universities, including McGill University, Concordia University, University of Montreal, and University of Sherbrooke. Her teaching career also includes extensive experience teaching English as a second (ESL) and foreign language (EFL), English for academic purposes (EAP) as well as English for specific purposes (ESP) to learners of various levels of ability in a variety of settings. Kartchava’s research has been published in various journals, including TESOL Quarterly, Language Teaching Research, and International Journal of Applied Linguistics. Her recent books are Noticing Oral Corrective Feedback in the Second-Language Classroom: Evidence and Classroom Applications (2019, Lexington Books), The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Language Learning and Teaching (2021, Cambridge University Press, with Hossein Nassaji), and Corrective Feedback in Second Language Teaching and Learning: Research, Theory, Applications, Implications (2017, Routledge, with Hossein Nassaji). Her forthcoming books are Corrective Feedback Research in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Guide (Routledge, with Hossein Nassaji) and Language assessment and language pedagogy (Bloomsbury, with Hossein Nassaji). Since 2019, Dr. Kartchava has served as a co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics. She is currently Co-chair of the Carleton University Research Ethics Board.

Research interests

  • (Instructed) Second Language Acquisition
  • Form-Focused Instruction
  • Corrective feedback
  • Individual differences
  • Workplace language training
  • English for Academic/Specific Purposes
  • Teacher education and cognition

Editor-in-Chief (with Dr. Michael Rodgers), Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée (2019 – present)

Creator of the Corrective Feedback For Teachers website, designed to serve as an open-access knowledge and discussion hub on corrective feedback for language practitioners.

Winner: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Teaching Development Award, 2020; Raving Raven for teaching excellence, 2017; Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Teaching Award, 2016; Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award, 2015; New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, 2015

Nominee: Service Excellence Award, 2017; Capital Educators Award, 2015

Current Grants

2022-2025 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals


  • Books

Kartchava, E. (2019). Noticing Oral Corrective Feedback in the Second-Language Classroom: Background and EvidenceLanham, MD: Lexington Books

  • Edited volumes

Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (Eds.) (2021). Insight, Instruction, and Outcomes: Reflections from the TBLT 2019 conference. Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24(2). PKP Publishing Services Network.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (Eds.) (2021). The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching. Cambridge University Press.

Valeo, A. & Kartchava, E. (Eds.) (2020). Corrective feedback in language teaching and learning: Connecting research and practice. Special Issue of TESL Canada Journal, 37(2). PKP Publishing Services Network.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (Eds.) (2019). Technology-mediated corrective feedback and instruction. Special Issue of ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 170(2). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (Eds.) (2017). Corrective Feedback in Second Language Teaching and Learning: Research, Theory, Applications, Implications. Oxon, UK: Routledge.

  • Articles in refereed journals

Ady, F., Kartchava, E., & Rodgers, M. (2023). Exploring underlying elements of the Motivational Self-System among learners in two instructional contexts. ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 174(1), 3-48.

Kartchava, E., Bu, Y., Heidt, J., Mohamed, A., & Seal, J. (2021). Towards a better understanding of the complex nature of written corrective feedback and its effects: A duoethnographical exploration of perceptions, choices, and outcomes. Journal of Response to Writing, 7(2), 74-111. Available at Scholars Archive.

McLellan, G., Kartchava, E., Rodgers, M. (2021). Technology-mediated workplace language training: Developing and assessing a module for a blended curriculum for newcomers. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24(2), 177-202.

Kartchava, E. & Mohamed, A. (2020). Investigating EAP teachers’ use and perceptions of gesture in general and corrective feedback episodes. TESL Canada Journal, 37(2), 51-77.

Kartchava, E., Gatbonton, E., Ammar, A., Trofimovich, P. (2020). Corrective feedback: Novice ESL teachers’ beliefs and practices. Language Teaching Research, 24(2), 220-249. DOI: 10.1177/1362168818787546

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2019). The role of task repetition and learner self-assessment in technology-mediated task performance. ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 170(2), 180-204.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (Eds.) (2019). Technology-mediated feedback and instruction. ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 170(2), 151-153. [Guest editorial]

Kartchava, E. (2016). Learner beliefs about corrective feedback in the language classroom: Perspectives from two international contexts. TESL Canada Journal, 33(2), 19-45.

Kartchava, E.  & Chung, S. (2015). Pre-service and in-service ESL teachers’ beliefs about the use of digital technology in the classroom. Studies in English Language Teaching, 3(4), 355-383. DOI: 10.22158/selt.v3n4p355

Kartchava, E. & Ammar, A. (2014a). The noticeability and effectiveness of corrective feedback in relation to target type. Language Teaching Research, 18(4), 428-452.  DOI: 10.1177/1362168813519373

Kartchava, E. & Ammar, A. (2014b). Learners’ beliefs as mediators of what is noticed and learned in the language classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 48(1), 86-109.  DOI: 10.1002/tesq.101

Kartchava, E. (2013). The place of corrective feedback within the major SLA theories. US-China Foreign Language, 11(2), 136-151. DOI: 10.17265/1539-8080/2013.02.007

Kartchava, E. & Ammar, A. (2013). Noticing and learning: Relationship patterns. Studies in English Language Teaching, 1(1), 8-25. DOI: 10.22158/selt.v1n1p8 

  • Chapters in refereed edited volumes

Quinn, P., Kartchava, E., & Nassaji, H. (in press). Dispelling the myth: Learners need immediate on-the-spot correction at all times. In V. Viana (Ed.), Language Education Myths. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Kartchava, E. (2021). The role of training in feedback provision and effectiveness. In H. Nassaji & E. Kartchava (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching (pp. 598-619). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2021). Corrective feedback in mobile-mediated contexts. In H. Nassaji & E. Kartchava (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching (pp. 520-538). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (2021). Introduction: Corrective feedback in second language teaching and learning. In H. Nassaji & E. Kartchava (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching (pp. 1-20). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (2020). Corrective feedback and the good language teachers. In C. Griffiths & Z. Tajeddin (Eds.), Lessons from Good Language Teachers (pp. 151-163). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2019). Noticeability of corrective feedback in three dimensional virtual environments and face-to-face classroom contexts. In R. Leow (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Research in Classroom Learning (pp. 409-422). New York, NY: Routledge.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (2019). Content-based language instruction. In J. W. Schwieter & A. Benati (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning (pp. 597-620). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Nassaji, H., & Kartchava, E. (2017a). The role of corrective feedback: Theoretical and pedagogical perspectives. In H. Nassaji & E. Kartchava (Eds.), Corrective Feedback in Second Language Teaching and Learning: Research, Theory, Applications, Implications (pp. ix-xv). Oxon, UK: Routledge.

Nassaji, H., & Kartchava, E. (2017b). Conclusion, reflections, and final remarks. In H. Nassaji & E. Kartchava (Eds.), Corrective Feedback in Second Language Teaching and Learning: Research, Theory, Applications, Implications (pp. 174-182). Oxon, UK: Routledge.

  • Refereed Conference proceedings

Kartchava, E. & Meier, S. (2017). Learners’ beliefs about corrective feedback before and after training in feedback provision to peers. Refereed Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting on Language Teaching (pp. 28-47). Coop UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal): Montreal, QC, Canada. ISBN: 9782766012572.

Kartchava, E. & Gatbonton, E. (2014). ACCESS-TBLT and adult ESL learners’ noticing of corrective feedback. In H. M. McGarrell & D. Wood (Eds.), CONTACT- Refereed Proceedings of TESL Ontario Research Symposium, 40 (2), 32-50.

  • Encyclopedia entries

Kartchava, E. (in press). The link between L2 research and teacher training. In H. Nassaji (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley-TESOL International.

Kartchava, E. (in press). Planned versus incidental focus on form in oral communication. In H. Nassaji (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley-TESOL International.

Kartchava, E. (2018). Planned versus incidental focus on form. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, Grammar Teaching Volume (pp. 1-6). Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0091

  • Book reviews

Kartchava, E. (2021). Review of “Professional development in applied linguistics: A guide to success for graduate students and early career faculty” by L. Plonsky (Ed.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2020. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. DOI: 10.1111/ijal.12349

Kartchava, E. (2021). Review of “Interaction, feedback and task research in second language learning: Methods and design” by A. Mackey, Cambridge University Press, 2020. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. DOI: 10.1111/ijal.12348

Kartchava, E. (2020). Review of “Researching L2 task performance and pedagogy: In honour of Peter Skehan” by Z. Wen & M. J. Ahmadian (Eds.), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2019. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 23(1), i-iv.

Kartchava, E., McMonagle, M., & Romancio, J. (2014). Review of Christopher J. Hall, Patrick H. Smith & Rachel Wicaksono. (2011). Mapping Applied Linguistics: A Guide for Students and Practitioners. McGill Journal of Education, 49(2), 513-515. DOI: 10.7202/1029433ar

  • Scholarly notes

Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2023). Editorial. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 26(1), i-iv.

Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2022). Editorial. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25(2), i-v.

Rodgers, M. & Kartchava, E. (2022). Editorial. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25(1), i-iv.

Rodgers, M. & Kartchava, E. (2021). Editorial. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24(3), i-v.

Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2021). Special issue on Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) editorial. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24(2), i-ix.

Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2021). Editorial. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24(1), i-v.

Valeo, A. & Kartchava, E. (2020). Special issue on corrective feedback in L2 teaching and learning. TESL Canada Journal, 37(2), vi-xvii. [guest editorial].

Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2020). Editorial. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 23(1).

Kartchava, E. (2020). Pre-service English as a second language teachers need training on corrective feedback to reconcile their beliefs and practices. OASIS Summary of Kartchava, E., Gatbonton, E., Ammar, A., & Trofimovich, P. (2020) in Language Teaching Research.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (Eds.) (2019). Technology-mediated feedback and instruction. ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 170(2), 151-153. [guest editorial] DOI:

Kartchava, E. (2019). Teaching without borders at Carleton. In P. Lyons (Ed.), Courage, curiosity, teapots and snakes: Stories of teaching at Carleton University (p. 54). Ottawa, ON: Teaching and Learning Services, Carleton University.

Kartchava, E. (2014). Le pouvoir de la rétroaction corrective à l’oral. Québec français, 171, 91-92. [PDF]

  • Blog entries

Kartchava, E. & Wood, D. (2016, January 25). A career in teaching English: Here to discover at Carleton. F.A.S.S. blog.

Presentations (since 2013)

  • Refereed Paper Presentations

Kartchava, E. (2023, May). Exploring podcasting as a task for research and learning in graduate courses. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E., & Lundy, M. (2023, April). Reflecting on the efficacy of procedural writing task repetition on learner performance and development. Paper presented at the first International Conference on Written Corrective Feedback in L1 and L2 (WCF23), Universitate de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, Vic, Spain.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2023, March). Methodological innovations in the study of corrective feedback.

Paper selected for presentation at the Methodological innovation in applied linguistics research:

Perspectives, strategies, and trends invited colloquium, convened by Shaofeng Li and

Matthew T. Prior at the annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics

(AAAL) – proposal accepted but unable to attend.

Kartchava, E., & Lundy, M. (2022, October). Exploring the impact of writing task repetition through learner performance and reflection. Paper presented at the annual TESOL Ontario conference, held online.

Kartchava, E. (2022, August). Podcasting as a task for research and learning. Paper presented at the Teacher education and TBLT invited symposium, convened by Eva Kartchava, at the 9th International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, International Association for Task-Based Language Teaching (IATBLT), Innsbruck University, Austria.

McLellan, G., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2022, June). Teachers’ views on language learner motivation and its sources in two contexts – A comparison of ideals? Paper presented at the biannual conference of the International Association for Psychology of Language Learning (IAPLL), Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Conference postponed from 2020 due to the COVID-19 world pandemic.

Kartchava, E. & Lundy, M. (2022, May). Exploring writing task repetition through learner reflection and output. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), held online.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2022, March). In-service teachers’ views on second language research and pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) Convention, held online.

Kartchava, E., Abdelgafar, S., HajHamid, L. & Ulrich-Verslycken, K. (2021, November). Exploring corrective feedback through teacher education. Paper presented at the annual TESOL Ontario conference, held online.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2021, August). Task repetition and learner self-assessment in technology-mediated task performance. Paper presented at the Technology-mediated corrective feedback and instruction in language learning refereed symposium, convened by Eva Kartchava and Hossein Nassaji at AILA 2021 Congress (World Congress of Applied Linguistics), Groningen, the Netherlands, held online.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2021, March). Settling for more: In-service teachers’ views on second language research and pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), held online.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2020, November). Second language research and pedagogy: Strange bedfellows? Paper presented at the annual TESOL Ontario conference, held online.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2020, June). Settling for more: In-service teachers’ views on second language research and pedagogy. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. Conference cancelled due to the COVID-19 world pandemic.

Ady, F., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2020, June). The motivational self-system in the Canadian workplace language training context. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. Conference cancelled due to the COVID-19 world pandemic.

Lapierre, N., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2020, June). Strategies in forming the speech act of refusals by native and non-native English speakers in customer service positions. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. Conference cancelled due to the COVID-19 world pandemic.

McLellan, G., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2020, June). Motivation in workplace and general ESL programs: A comparison of teacher beliefs on language learner motivation and its sources in two contexts. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. Conference cancelled due to the COVID-19 world pandemic.

Llama, R., Kartchava, E., & Urey, M. R. (2019, October). La retroalimentación correctiva en la clase de ELE: ¿Qué opinan los alumnos suecos? (Corrective feedback in the Spanish as a Foreign Language [SFL] classroom: What do Swedish students think?) Paper presented at V Jornadas de ELE en Riga conference, Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga, Latvia.

Ady, F., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2019, September). Exploring underlying elements of the motivational self-system among learners in two instructional contexts. Paper presented at the annual EducLang conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

McLellan, G., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2019, September). Technology-mediated workplace training: Developing and assessing a module for a blended curriculum for newcomers. Paper presented at the annual EducLang conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Mohamed, A. & Kartchava, E. (2019, September). Investigation of EAP teachers’ use and perceptions of gestures in corrective feedback episodes. Paper presented at the annual EducLang conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2019, August). Task repetition and learner reflection on task performance and outcomes in an L2 classroom. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT 2019), Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Lysiak, Y., Kartchava, E. & Wood, D. (2019, August). The role of TR in the development of FL and fluency. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT 2019), Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

McLellan, G., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2019, August). Technology-mediated workplace training: Developing and assessing a module for a blended curriculum for newcomers. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT 2019), Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2019, June). The role of task repetition and learner reflection in task performance and outcomes. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (2019, June). Reformulations versus prompts in advanced-level language classrooms. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Mclellan, G, Kartchava, E., & Rodgers, M. (2019, June). Language Learning Technology Outside the Classroom: Developing a Supportive Module on a Technology-Based Platform to Provide Occupation-Specific Language Training for Newcomers. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Lysiak, Y. & Kartchava, E. (2019, June). Task repetition in the development of formulaic language and speech fluency in the EAP classroom. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (2019, March). Corrective feedback in advanced-level language classrooms: The case of experienced language teachers. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2019, March). The efficacy of one-way task repetition and learner reflection in an L2 classroom. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Kartchava, E., Bu, Y., El-Youssef, H., Heidt, J., Mohamed, A., Seal, J., Swaie, M., & Qureshi, Z. (2018, October). Towards a better understanding of the complex nature of corrective feedback and its effect on L2 acquisition: An exploration of perceptions, choices, and outcomes. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montreal, Québec, Canada.

Nassaji, H. & Kartchava, E. (2018, October). Oral corrective feedback: Current research. Paper presented at the Current Issues in Corrective Feedback in Second Language Acquisition: Theory, Research, and Implications colloquium, convened by Hossein Nassaji and Eva Kartchava at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montreal, Québec, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2018, May). The role of task repetition and learner reflection in planned one-way tasks in an English for Academic Purposes classroom. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Heidt, J., Kartchava, E., & Rodgers, M. (2018, May). The activity of providing and interpreting written corrective feedback in a government-funded program. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Doucette, K. & Kartchava, E. (2018, May). Investigating translanguaging in the teaching of literacy in an English as a Second Language classroom. Paper presented at the Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) 2018 Conference, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2018, March). The impact of task repetition and learner reflection on task performance and outcomes in an English for Academic Purposes classroom. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2018, February). Evaluating the impact of learner self-assessment and teacher feedback on task performance in an English for Academic Purposes classroom. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Language Assessment (CALA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Heidt, J., Kartchava, E., & Rodgers, M. (2017, November). Classroom-based online versus offline corrective feedback. Paper presented at the annual TESOL Ontario conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2017, June). The W-Five of oral corrective feedback: Implications for the second language classroom. Paper presented at the symposium organized by CALA (Canadian Association of Language Assessment) on To correct or not to correct? That is NOT the question, convened by Maria-Lourdes Lira-Gonzalez, TESL Canada conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Other presenters: Khaled Barkaoui, Antonella Valeo.

Doucette, K. & Kartchava, E. (2017, May). Investigating the role of a language coach in the second language classroom. Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2017, April). The impact of task on the noticeability of corrective feedback in a three dimensional virtual environment versus a traditional classroom setting: The relationship between task and context. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2017, March). Use and noticeability of corrective feedback in three-dimensional world and face-to-face environments. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

Kartchava, E. & Nassaji, H. (2016, September). Noticeability of corrective feedback in a three dimensional virtual environment: Does context matter? Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, U.S.A.

Davidson, A., Hartwick, P., Hugues, B., Kartchava, E., Sabra, S. & Thibodeau, R. (2016, June). ePortfolio rubrics: A multidisciplinary, student-centered, faculty developed, open education resource (whew!) Paper presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 2016 conference, London, ON, Canada.

Severenuk, P. & Kartchava, E. (2016, May). What makes you think that? Examining the role of learning materials and resources on teacher cognition.  Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2016, May). Does instructional setting affect the noticeability of corrective feedback?  Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Kartchava, E. & Meier, S. (2015, October). Training learners to provide corrective feedback to peers. Paper presented at the TESL Canada Conference, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada.

Kartchava, E., Hartwick, P., Sheyholislami, J., Kozlova, I., Polovina-Vukovic, D., & Davies, K. (2015, June). Designing and teaching our first fully online undergraduate course as a team: Successes and challenges. Paper presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 2015 conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2015, March). Training to notice corrective feedback in the language classroom. Paper

presented at the annual Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2015, March). Importance and expectation of corrective feedback across learning contexts. Paper presented at the annual Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) Roundtable, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, U.S.A.

Kartchava, E., Walker, N., & Shantz, M. (2014, August). The impact of in-class training in corrective feedback on L2 learning. Paper presented at 2014 AILA World Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

Hugues, B., Cech, M., Davies, K., Dawson, J. W., Kartchava, E., Kazmierski, V., Mugford, R., Polovina-Vukovic, D., Salinas-Pacheco, J., Sabra, S., & Uras, D. (2014, June). ePedagogy and Our Faculty Learning Community: Designing Innovative and Effective Online Modules for University Courses. Paper presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 2014 conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2014, May). Is expectation of corrective feedback in the language classroom universal?  Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

Chung, S. & Kartchava, E. (2014, May). Pre-service and in-service elementary ESL teachers’ beliefs about the use of digital technology in the L2 classroom.  Paper presented at the annual conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL), St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2014, March). Is training in corrective feedback necessary: Insights from the second language classroom. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

Kartchava, E. (2013, November). Learner beliefs about corrective feedback: An international perspective. Paper presented at the annual Société pour la Promotion de l’Enseignement de l’Anglais au Québec (SPEAQ) Convention, Montreal, Québec, Canada.

Kartchava, E. & Gatbonton, E. (2013, October). The impact of task on adult ESL learners’ noticing of corrective feedback in a classroom. Paper presented at the Task-Based Language Teaching Research Symposium as part of TESL Ontario annual conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  • Refereed Poster Presentations

Ady, F., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2019, October). Exploring underlying elements of the motivational self-system among learners in two instructional contexts. Poster presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.

Dominguez Ochoa, A., Lapierre, N., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2019, October). A multi-step analysis process for curriculum design for a workplace language training project. Poster presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.

Ady, F., Kartchava, E. & Rodgers, M. (2019, August). Exploring underlying elements of the motivational self system among learners in a workplace language training program. Poster presented at 8th International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

Chung, S. & Kartchava, E. (2014, October). How do ESL teachers perceive digital technology? Poster presented at the TESL Ontario annual conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2013, October). Learner beliefs about corrective feedback and learning contexts. Poster presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Provo, Utah, U.S.A.

  • Plenaries and Invited Presentations

Kartchava, E. (2023, January). Advice on applying and winning the FASS teaching development award. Talk delivered (online) at a monthly meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Faculty Board, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2022, February). Corrective feedback in the classroom: Exploring the fundamentals. Workshop, delivered online, for the Yiddish Book Center’s Yiddish language teacher preparatory program, Amherst, MA, USA. 

Kartchava, E., Abdelgafar, S., HajHamid, L. & Ulrich-Verslycken, K. (2021, May). The teacher variable in corrective feedback: Exploring the “how” and “why” through education and reflection. Plenary delivered at the Spring 2021 Professional Development event of TESL Ottawa, held online. Invited by Carol Essenburg and Susanne Bowen, TESL Ottawa PD co-chairs. 

Kartchava, E. (2019, June). Corrective feedback: The what, why, and how. Paper presented at the First International Forum on Language Education, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Event organized by the School of Linguistics and Language Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

Myles, D. & Kartchava, E. (2018, November). EAP speaking: Task repetition, self-assessment, and feedback. Plenary delivered at the Fall 2018 Professional Development event of TESL Ottawa, Algonquin College, Ottawa, Canada. Invited by Carol Essenburg, TESL Ottawa PD Chair.

Kartchava, E. (2018, October). Oral corrective feedback: Best teaching practices and future research directions. Presentation as part of the “Chat with the Experts” series destined for Mexican teachers of English as a Foreign Language and language acquisition specialists, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Gatineau campus), Gatineau, Québec, Canada. Invited by Vanessa Reyes.

Kartchava, E. (2018, June). Corrective feedback: Some questions and answers. Master class delivered to Russian teachers of English as a Foreign Language, St. Petersburg, Russia. Invited by Elena Vertugina, St. Petersburg State University. Event sponsored by Alive English (

Kartchava, E. (2018, June). Oral corrective feedback in second/additional language teaching and learning. Workshop delivered to Mexican teachers of English as a Foreign Language, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Gatineau campus), Gatineau, Québec, Canada. Invited by Vanessa Reyes. Event sponsored by UNAM-Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2018, March). Noticing corrective feedback in the second language classroom: Evidence and classroom applications. Invited talk delivered for the Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL), hosted by the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI), University of Ottawa. Invited by Dr. Alysse Weinberg, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2017, March). The W-6 of written corrective feedback. Invited talk delivered to the Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Invited by Dr. John O’Dea, Managing Director, ALESS and ALESA Programs, Center for Global Communication Strategies. Event sponsored by the University of Tokyo.

Kartchava, E. (2017, March). The W-5 of oral corrective feedback. Invited talk delivered to the Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Invited by Dr. John O’Dea, Managing Director, ALESS and ALESA Programs, Center for Global Communication Strategies. Event sponsored by the University of Tokyo.

Gatbonton, E. & Kartchava, E. (2017, March). How to engage learners in sustained genuine communication during one-on-one and small group language tutorials. Invited talk delivered to the Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Invited by Dr. John O’Dea, Managing Director, ALESS and ALESA Programs, Center for Global Communication Strategies. Event sponsored by the University of Tokyo.

Kartchava, E. (2017, March). Researching corrective feedback in language learning and teaching. Keynote address delivered at the Annual School of Linguistics and Language Studies Graduate Student Symposium. Theme: “Beyond Boundaries: Navigating Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies (ALDS). Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2017, February). Corrective feedback and SLA. Invited talk delivered to Second/Foreign Language Skills graduate course taught by Dr. Nikolay Slavkov, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2016, March). Form-focused instruction and SLA. Invited talk delivered to Second/Foreign Language Skills course taught by Dr. Nikolay Slavkov, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.

Kartchava, E.  & Hartwick, P. (2015, July). Oral and written feedback in digital environments. Invited by Vanessa Reyes to deliver a workshop to Mexican English as a Foreign Language teachers, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Gatineau campus), Gatineau, Québec, Canada. Event sponsored by UNAM-Canada.

Kartchava, E., Hartwick, P, & Lepine, J. (2015, April). Two sides of the coin: Using ePortfolios to learn and teach languages. Invited talk to the “Teaching and Learning in Community” teaching event organized by Educational Development Centre, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. *Two CTESL students co-presented.

Kartchava, E. (2015, February). Treatment of error in second language learning. Invited talk to Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) as part of the “FASSinating Research/ers” Lecture Series. Invited by Pauline Rankin, Associate Dean – Research and Graduate Affairs, FASS, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2015, February). Corrective feedback in second language classrooms: What every teacher needs to know. Invited by Ibtisaam Abboud (TESL Ottawa PD Chair) to deliver a paper at the TESL Ottawa’s Winter Professional Development Conference. Sponsored by TESL Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2014, June). The role of corrective feedback in second/foreign language learning. Invited by Vanessa Reyes to deliver a workshop to Mexican English as a Foreign Language teachers, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Gatineau campus), Gatineau, Québec, Canada. Event sponsored by UNAM-Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2014, June). Speaker at expert panel. What should every CEGEP ESL teacher know about corrective feedback? Invited by Nicholas Walker to participate in the expert panel at the annual Rascals colloquium, Montreal, Québec, Canada. Event co-sponsored by Collège Ahuntsic and RASCALS, Montreal, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2014, May). Plenary speaker. Second Language Acquisition and Corrective Feedback. Invited by Ibtisaam Abboud (TESL Ottawa PD Chair) to deliver plenary address at the TESL Ottawa Annual General Meeting. Event sponsored by TESL Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.

Kartchava, E. (2014, February). The power of corrective feedback. Invited by Evan Lavoie to lecture at English Intensive Program Professional Development Day, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. Event sponsored by Second Language Intensive Programs Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI).

Kartchava, E. (2013, November). Opening address at the 9th Annual SLaLS Graduate Student Symposium: Language: Connected, Broadening Perspectives, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.