1. Who can participate?
  2. How does the program work?
  3. What are the benefits?
  4. What to expect
  5. Key Dates
  6. Questions?

The Career Services Job Shadow Program is a unique opportunity for career exploration that allows you to learn about careers of interest to you by visiting a professional (a job shadow mentor) at their job for a 60-90 minute session. The Job Shadow Program is offered either virtually or in person based on a mutual agreement between mentor and student.

Job shadowing will help you make connections between classroom learning and real-world work requirements, and gain a better understanding of the knowledge, skills, and education you may need to follow your career interests.

Who can participate?

Students in 3rd or 4th year within the Faculties of Public Affairs (fall and winter term), Arts and Social Sciences (fall and winter term), and Science (winter term).

Employers: Interested in being a mentor for the Job Shadow Program? We are looking for mentors in the legal, health science, technology, architecture, government, business, and mental health fields. Please email jobshadow@carleton.ca to learn more about the program and how you can get involved!

How does the program work?

  • Apply to the Job Shadow Program through the online application form at the bottom of this page.
  • Reflect on your career interests and career fields you would like to explore. (If you would like to get a better sense of which career paths may be of interest to you, contact Career Services for a one-on-one career advising session.)
  • After the application deadline, you will receive an email from the Job Shadow Program Coordinator with a list of mentors who are interested in meeting with students. Please note that you can research your own mentor if you would prefer (outside the given list). If you have someone in mind, we will assist in reaching out to this person on your behalf to see if they are able to participate as a mentor.
  • Submit the top two choices of mentors you would like to be matched with from the mentor list (we will do our best to match you to your preference). Students will automatically be matched with their researched and self-developed mentor.
  • Arrange a date and time to meet your Job Shadow Mentor either in person or virtually.
  • Guidelines will be provided to help you prepare for your Job Shadow meeting.
  • After your Job Shadow meeting, you will be provided with a voluntary reflection assignment by the Job Shadow Program Coordinator. Complete this assignment to obtain the “Job Shadow” designation on your Co-Curricular Record (CCR).

What are the benefits?

By participating in the program you will:

  • Discover if a particular career aligns with your interests.
  • Learn up-to-date facts about an occupation that can assist in your decision making.
  • Become knowledgeable about the skills and experience required in a particular field.
  • Reflect on your own skills and knowledge and determine any gaps.
  • Develop communication skills and self-confidence through engagement with professionals from industry.

What to expect

During a job shadow you may expect to participate in or observe some or all of the following activities:

  • Overview/presentation of the organization/industry, company culture, careers within the organization.
  • Meeting various employees and learning about the different departments and career roles.
  • Attending a meeting or an event, learning about work projects.
  • Interviewing your mentor and/or other staff members in a similar role to learn about their careers, skills and knowledge, education, and career path.
  • Experience a mock interview or resume/cover letter advice with your mentor.

Key Dates

Fall (for FASS & FPA Students)

There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time.

Winter (for FASS, FPA & Science Students)

There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time.

Please note that applications for the Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 Job Shadow Program for FASS/FPA and Winter 2024 Science Job Shadow Program are now closed. Applications will reopen again in Fall 2024.


If you have any questions, please email jobshadow@carleton.ca.