Thursday, January 23, 2025Making Sense of Trump’s War on AlliesMadly Off in All Directions: Making Sense of Trump’s War on Allies For decades, the U.S. has used national emergencies as a pretext to impose economic and political costs on adversaries and allies. Today, however economic coercion, along with a range of hybrid war fighting techniques, are an increasingly important American tool for... MoreSunday, December 29, 2024U.S.-Russia Proxy War in Ukraine Is a Case of Deterrence FailureU.S.-Russia Proxy War in Ukraine Is a Case of Deterrence Failure Joe Biden’s recent decision to allow Ukraine to strike deep within Russia using advanced American missile technology is but the latest step in the escalation ladder. Vladimir Putin has stated such actions would place Russia on a war footing with NATO. Biden’s risky... MoreSunday, December 29, 2024How to Save Canada and Canadian StudiesThe Fate and Future of Canadian Studies Originally published in the Journal of Australian, Canadian, and Aotearoa New Zealand Studies 4 (August 2024): 158-165, The Fate and Future of Canadian Studies David Carment1 Introduction Writing in 2021, Munroe Eagles, then President of the International Council for... MoreTuesday, September 3, 2024Foreign Interference in a Geopolitical Context: Transnational Linkages, Diaspora Mobilisation and Grey Zone ConflictForeign Interference in a Geopolitical Context PIFI Submission The threat of foreign interference continues to grow and evolve as the geopolitical structure of the world changes. Canada is often targeted by adversaries, and allies, who seek to advance their interests through transnational means, such as mobilising diaspora groups and hybrid... MoreSaturday, April 15, 2023Central African Republic Electoral Democracy Initiative (CAREDI)Since its independence in 1960 the CAR has faced incredible instability with continual political upheavals, coups, and struggles for power. At the heart of the issue is a number of divisions in the country including political affiliation, religion, land, and ethnicity. These divisions have led to a multitude of armed groups within the CAR... MoreSaturday, April 15, 2023Haiti Water Infrastructure and Education Program (WIEP)To be implemented over a minimum of two years, the Water Infrastructure and Education Program (WIEP) is purposed with providing access to potable water and education for water safety and water treatment to Haitians. The program is oriented towards providing water infrastructure that can withstand natural disasters, provides checks on the... MoreSaturday, April 15, 2023Haitian Intervention Program for Youth (HIPY)Gang violence, fueled by corrupt and elite oligarchs has exacerbated the already declining human development situation in Haiti with a great deal of Haitians now experiencing alarming levels of food insecurity. Additionally, as gang violence expands from the occupied capital of Port-au-Prince into neighbouring areas like Cité Soleil, many youths... MoreSaturday, April 15, 2023HAITIAN OVERHAUL IN POLICING (HOP)HOP aims to improve the security and social situation in Port-au-Prince through the development an implementation of a community policing policy with the Haitian National Police (HNP). The community policing approach will contribute to moving past a system that relies heavily on punishment and force, which to date has proved ineffective, and will... MoreMonday, March 6, 2023WIDER Working Paper 2023/8 Aid effectiveness in fragile and conflict-affected contexts Lessons from more than two decades of research Aid Effectiveness: Carment Samy The objective of this paper is to focus on fragility research findings and examine what works or does not work in development aid and development cooperation in fragile and conflict affected contexts. We draw on our own research findings as well as country-level studies. We examine questions of aid... MoreMonday, March 6, 2023Haiti Conflict Diagnostic 2023Haiti Conflict Diagnostic - 2023 Haiti is facing multifaceted and serious challenges. Government institutions have ceased to function effectively, and gangs, backed by the wealthy oligarchs, control nearly two-thirds of the country. Frequent natural disasters further exacerbate the multitude of crises confronting Haiti. While there is... MoreMonday, March 6, 2023Central African Republic Conflict Diagnostic 2023CAR Conflict Diagnostic 2023 The Central African Republic (CAR) was thought to be on the path to stability in 2019, but further fighting erupted in late 2020 due to contested elections. This has continued a cycle of violence and unrest, leading to a deteriorating humanitarian situation. The aim of this diagnostic is to evaluate... MoreMonday, March 6, 2023Myanmar Conflict Diagnostic 2023Myanmar Conflict Diagnostic 2023 The current conflict in Myanmar began with the 2021 coup d’état. The conflict between the ruling junta and pro-democracy movement has accelerated environmental degradation and hurt Myanmar’s economic standing. Demographic stress has also worsened both from the junta’s lack of attention to urban... MoreMonday, March 6, 2023North Korea Conflict Diagnostic 2023North Korea Conflict Diagnostic 2023 North Korea's conflict with the international community is a high-risk and deteriorating situation. Despite relative stability in governance and militarization, the interdependence of the central government with the military and high levels of demographic stress are significant risk factors. All key... MoreSunday, March 13, 20222022 Afghanistan Conflict Diagnostic2022 Afghanistan Conflict Diagnostic The Taliban’s ascension to power in Afghanistan in August of 2021 has presented a fundamental shift in the trajectory of the future of the country’s political, economic, and humanitarian sectors. The lack of access to international assistance in the wake of the change in governance has led the country to... MoreSunday, March 13, 20222022 Ethiopia Conflict Diagnostic2022 Ethiopia Conflict Diagnostic Since November 2020, clashes between government forces and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) have plunged Ethiopia into a civil war. This diagnostic applies a risk assessment methodology developed by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy Project to identify trends and risk levels associated with... MoreSunday, March 13, 20222022 Burkina Faso Conflict Diagnostic2022 Burkina Faso Conflict Diagnostic An early 2022 coup in Burkina Faso has manifested as the result of civil unrest related to the ongoing jihadist threat in the Greater Sahel region. Since 2014, militarization and jihadism have increased and the humanitarian crisis has worsened in the last year as the Burkinabés are being internally... MoreSunday, March 13, 20222022 Libya Conflict Diagnostic2022 Libya Conflict Diagnostic Since November 2020, clashes between government forces and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) have plunged Ethiopia into a civil war. This diagnostic applies a risk assessment methodology developed by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy Project to identify trends and risk levels associated with key... MoreMonday, April 19, 2021Policy Project REDEEM Western SaharaPolicy Project REDEEM Western Sahara Project R.E.D.E.E.M., or Repatriation and Demilitarization Established in Morocco, is a track II, inclusive, and locally-based project with an initial 5-year timeframe and the possibility of renewal. The project will endeavour to improve the stability of Western Sahara through mediation sessions and youth... MoreMonday, April 19, 2021Policy Project SUCEED SomaliaPolicy Project SUCEED Somalia The ceaseless conflict and insecurity that have continually plagued Somalia too often overshadow the people, communities, and livelihoods caught in between. Underlying these challenges are demographic stresses and socio-economic tensions that must be properly addressed for any meaningful progress to be made. With a... MoreMonday, April 19, 2021Policy Project DRIVER SomaliaPolicy Project DRIVER Somalia Somalia has been plagued with decades of political and economic instability, leading to low levels of human development and weak governance. A major source of Somalia’s fragility has been its unstable experiment with democracy. Freedom House scores Somalia with a 1 out of 40 for political rights and a 6... MoreMonday, April 19, 2021Policy Project VOTE SomaliaPolicy Project VOTE Somalia The stalled Somalia 2021 elections have the potential to worsen Somalia’s protracted conflict. The inability of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to hold a secure and legitimate election is worsening clan divides and providing Al-Shabaab an opportunity to advance its position in the southern region of Somalia,... MoreFriday, March 19, 2021Integrity Watch Afghanistan Research Methods HandbookIntegrity Watch Afghanistan Research Methods Handbook The handbook is designed as a practical reference for researchers in the field, covering the how, what, and when of policy-oriented research. It is neither comprehensive in scope nor does it dwell on the theories underpinning its recommendations. References with hyperlinks are included... MoreSunday, March 14, 20212021 Belarus Conflict DiagnosticIn August 2020, a seemingly fraudulent election led to a wave of protests in Belarus. While the autocratic president–Lukashenko–claimed to have received 80% of the vote, this was contested by the opposition and viewed skeptically by most of the international community. Given Belarus’ strong ties with Russia and newer relationship with the... MoreSunday, March 14, 20212021 Belarus Conflict Diagnostic Presentation2021 Belarus Conflict Diagnostic... MoreSaturday, March 13, 20212021 Somalia Conflict DiagnosticIn many ways, the state of Somalia has become synonymous with ceaseless conflict, militia groups, and insecurity. This plague of insecurity has been brought on by many exacerbating factors in the latter part of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic, uptick in insurgencies, and environmental adversities serve to highlight... MoreSaturday, March 13, 20212021 Somalia Conflict Diagnostic Presentation2021 Somalia Conflict Diagnostic... MoreFriday, March 12, 20212021 Nagorno Karabakh Conflict DiagnosticFollowing the increased tensions and arms exports that preceded the September 2020 conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, a November 9 ceasefire agreement was reached to limit the violent interaction between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This follows a long history of war and disagreements over the disputed region, and has been... MoreFriday, March 12, 20212021 Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Diagnostic Presentation2021 Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Diagnostic... MoreFriday, March 12, 20212021 Morocco-Western Sahara Conflict DiagnosticIn October 2020, Saharawi refugees loyal to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Rio de Oro, otherwise known as Polisario Front (PF), blocked a road near the village of Guerguerate, stranding goods and people in the demilitarized border zone in Western Sahara (WS). The emergence of Moroccan forces moving in... MoreFriday, March 12, 20212021 Morocco-Western Sahara Conflict Diagnostic Presentation2021 Morocco-Western Sahara Conflict Diagnostic... MoreWednesday, October 21, 2020Prediction of Intrastate Conflict Using State Structural Factors and Events DataIntrastate conflict is defined by the occurrence of one or more highly destabilizing events collectively termed a crisis of interest (COI). Two separate two-year periods between 1990 and 2005 were examined in twenty-five globally dispersed countries. COIs occurred in about 6 percent of all the half-monthly periods examined While model accuracy... MoreWednesday, October 21, 2020The Limits and Strengths of Conflict PredictionThere are two major reasons why policymakers pay greater attention to case studies than empirical models. First, they are generally older, having completed their primary education well before the behavioral revolution, and the government doesn’t provide much incentive to stay current in your field. Case studies are generally easy to understand... MoreTuesday, September 8, 2020Fragile and Conflict-Affected States in the Age of COVID 19: A 2020 Country Indicators for Foreign Policy Report2020 CIFP Fragility Report Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCAS) remain more relevant than ever. After a brief period of declining fragility at the turn of the century, FCAS have become more prominent as their precarious situation worsens in a COVID 19 world. In the last decade or so, we have seen an increase in... MoreFriday, May 1, 2020Early warning and COVID19—bridging the gap between analysis and responseEarly warning and COVID19—bridging the gap between analysis and response - The Hill... MoreMonday, April 6, 2020Fragile States and COVID 19- Afghanistan ProjectFragile States and COVID 19- Afghanistan Project EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The upcoming intra-Afghan negotiations present an opportunity for Canada to strengthen women’s participation in the peace process. The meaningful inclusion of women in the peace process is essential for successful negotiations. Moreover, taking such initiative can strengthen... MorePage 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Page 5 Next » Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: