Daphne Uras, Contract Instructor with the Centre for Initiatives in Education (CIE), is one of this year’s Contract Instructor Achievement Awards Winners.

The Contract Instructor Award was established in 2006 to recognize excellence in teaching at Carleton University. It is awarded to contract instructors on the basis of outstanding performance in meeting his/her responsibilities.

Daphne teaches a First Year Seminar course in the Sociology of Education for students in the Enriched Support Program (ESP) at the Centre for Initiatives in Education. Her course examines the purposes and unintended results of schooling, how schools regulate students, and how students react. Her class also learns about what helps students stay and succeed in school.

Students submitted testimonials in support of Daphne’s nomination:

Daphne’s enthusiasm and love of teaching was evident from the beginning. She treated her class not as a time to lecture to her students, but rather as a time for interaction and discussion. Daphne had an amazing ability of connecting with her students in spite of the different level of knowledge, focusing on the ‘big picture’ rather than countless dry facts from a textbook. As her student I was always engaged and was able to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for learning. My fellow students and I were encouraged to ask questions, to challenge our minds so as to encourage a deeper appreciation of the subject matter, and build our own capacity of thinking critically. She not only shows an interest in her students’ learning, but has a knack for making even the most complicated ideas clear and logical. – Vivienne C (2007)

As an instructor, Daphne introduced me to interesting and relevant content, challenged me to reach beyond personal goals, as well as rekindled my passion for learning. Daphne’s devotion to her students is unique. This was captured in her willingness to meet their needs, ability to prepare them for the future, and show relentless support throughout their individual journeys.  Daphne made a point of connecting with her students on a deeper level which helped ease anxiety and created an atmosphere that encouraged active participation and personal growth. – Emily D (2012)

In Daphne’s course I developed and refined the skills that have helped me to be successful in university. I learned how to be more effective when taking notes in class, doing research, studying for exams, analyzing texts, and working in groups with Daphne’s help. Daphne is very skilled at breaking down the steps of all these processes, so that students can understand and master each part. This is one of the things I found to be most useful about her teaching style – she exposes the academic process in a way that allowed me to understand what I needed to do, how to do it, and how to improve on what I was already able to do having Daphne there to give me knowledgeable advice made all the difference in my academic development and confidence. – Courtney L (2008)

Never has a teacher had such an impact on not just my academic performance, but also my ability to cultivate habits that will lead me to greater success in the future. Since Bridging, I see myself as a much more disciplined and strategic student and I have also been able to apply these skills to my work outside of school. I have observed that Daphne’s work with her students goes far beyond simple delivery of material, or even the emphasis of study skills. Daphne’s strength as an instructor is her understanding of the student as an individual, with unique challenges which may result in setbacks, but whose perspectives always retain value. – Catherine S (2013)

Daphne’s knowledge, passion and effective teaching skills made her a fantastic professor. Her classes were relevant and interesting. I really cannot say enough good things about Daphne. Since that course I have yet to have a professor that even comes close. She clearly wanted to be teaching the course and put her whole self into it. The course was always well presented and approachable The skills and habits that were taught will help me for the rest of my life. My confidence was greatly improved by this course and I learned work habits that I never thought I would. – Cailyn E (2013)