1. Facilitator Benefits

The Centre for Initiatives in Education (CIE) hires student Facilitators to assist students in the Enriched Support Program (ESP).

Each Facilitator conducts weekly review workshops for ESP students enrolled in one course.

ESP Facilitator applications for the 2024-2025 academic year will be open from April 4 to May 6, 2024 at 8:30 am EST.

Summer 2024: Interviews will be held in person and online.

What is an ESP Facilitator?

See more ESP videos on our YouTube channel.

Facilitator Benefits

  • Belong to a community of caring, supportive colleagues
  • Work with motivated, hard-working peers from all academic disciplines
  • Improve your collaboration and leadership skills
  • Cement your learning of core material in your field
  • Deepen your knowledge of the learning process
  • Gain satisfaction from helping others

Facilitator Testimonial from Karelle Sikapi, Facilitator for Sociology: "One thing I love about running workshops is getting the chance to deepen students' understanding of a subject that I am passionate about."

See what Facilitators have to say about the job here!

Facilitator Role

Facilitators prepare and lead weekly workshops for 20-30 students taking one course.

Preparing for workshops includes attending the course lecture, reviewing the readings, and preparing a workshop plan.

With support from their team leader, Facilitators design workshop activities that help students to review course material while developing effective academic skills and habits.

The goal is for students to learn how to learn and be ready to tackle university independently after ESP.

Duties and Pay 

  • Facilitators work an average of 10-12 hours a week.
  • The rate of pay for new facilitators is $23/hour.

Weekly duties

  • Attend lecture
  • Plan workshop
  • Run workshop
  • Attend team meeting
  • Hold office hours
  • Complete paperwork

Periodic Duties

  • Training
  • Workshop observations
  • Meetings with Team Leader & Coordinator

Facilitator Qualities

What qualities do we look for in a Facilitator?

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Organization skills and reliability
  • Ability to model strong study habits
  • Being approachable, friendly, and non-judgmental
  • A desire to help students who may struggle with academic skills or motivation
  • Appreciation and respect for equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Openness to learning and feedback

We encourage applications from everyone, including racialized and Indigenous students, students who identify as LGBTQ+, and students with disabilities. (We are ACT to Employ partners.)

Academic Qualifications

  • Overall CGPA of 8.0
  • CGPA of 9.0 in the discipline you’re applying to facilitate
  • At least 2.0 credits in the discipline you’re applying to facilitate
  • Carleton undergraduate (at least 3rd year) or graduate student
  • Prior enrolment with the professor who is to teach the course is an asset

Mandatory Training & Orientation 2024-2025 (in person)

Some preparation for training is required in August (5-10 hours of reading and paperwork). This can be completed online.

Pre-service training and orientation: full days Aug. 28, Aug. 29, Aug. 30, and Sep. 3 (morning only), in person.

In-service training: Fridays 6-8 pm on Sept 13, Oct 4, Nov 8, Jan 10, Feb 7, and Feb 28, in person.

All preparation and training hours are paid at the regular rate.

Positions Available 2024-2025

We expect to hire Facilitators for the courses below in 2024-2025.

All Facilitator positions are for the full academic year (Fall and Winter) unless otherwise stated.

You may apply for as many courses as you are qualified to facilitate. Typically, fall-winter course pairings are obvious (e.g., SOCI 1001 + SOCI 1002). In a few cases we mix and match across disciplines.

All positions are contingent on enrolment and budgetary approval.

Update July 5, 2024: Group and individual interviews have concluded. “Position filled” will appear beside each course once hiring is finalized.

  • BUSI 1800 position filled
  • CGSC 1001 position filled
  • CHEM 1001 position filled
  • CHEM 1002 position filled
  • COMP 1005 position filled
  • COMP 1006 position filled
  • ECON 1001 position filled
  • ECON 1002 position filled
  • ENST 1000 position filled
  • GEOG/ENST 1020 position filled
  • GEOG 1023 position filled
  • HIST 1901 position filled
  • HIST 1900 position filled
  • LAWS 1001 position filled
  • LAWS 1002 position filled
  • MATH 1009 position filled
  • MATH 1004 position filled
  • MATH 1007 position filled
  • MATH 1104 position filled
  • MATH 1107 position filled
  • PSCI 1100 position filled
  • PSCI 1200 position filled
  • SOCI 1001 position filled
  • SOCI 1002 position filled

How to Apply

Please read our FAQs for important details.

  1. Read this website, including our FAQs, for details on qualifications, availability, and how to submit your application correctly.
  2. Check that you are available for all mandatory training and orientation sessions.
  3. Prepare your documents:
    • Resume
      • Like most employers, we strongly prefer a 1-2 page resume in reverse chronological order.
    • Co-curricular Record (CCR) (if applicable)
      • Screenshot or photo acceptable
    • Transcript from other post-secondary studies outside Carleton (if applicable)
      • Unofficial copies are acceptable
      • Provide the grading scale for the institution if possible.
  4. Complete the online application form.  Alternative formats are available by request.

*Please do not submit references with your application.*

Facilitator Hiring Timeline 2024

Tentative – Revised February 8th, 2024

  • Apr 4-May 6 (8:30 am EST): Submit application
  • May 6-May 24: Get selected for group interview
  • May 21-May 30: Group Interviews
  • May 31-June 28: Individual interviews
  • By July 3: Receive job offer
  • July & August: Paperwork, read training manual, quizzes (approx. 10 hours)
  • Aug 28-Aug 30 and Sept 3: Training
  • September 4: Classes begin
  • September 9: Workshops begin


For FAQ, click here.



Questions? Email us.