Summer courses

ESP Registration will start Monday, March 24, 2025.  (Degree student registration opens on March 20)

    • Early summer registration closes May 9 and late summer registration closes July 8.
    • See the dates and deadlines page for withdrawal and course change deadlines.
  • We are hosting drop-in advising (no appointment needed!) that day to assist with registration. 
  • On March 24 from 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:00:
  • Course listings: and select “Summer 2025” to explore course offerings.

II’m not sure which course(s) I should take. Where do I go for advice?

The ESP Advisors are here to help you with summer session course selection and course load decisions. Book an advising appointment or email us

Does ESP run over the summer?

Workshops don’t run over the summer term, but we do offer support for students:

  • Advisors are available all summer long to help you apply to programs, talk through options and help you navigate your next steps at Carleton! You can book an online appointment: and select “Advising” or email us at

How many courses can I take?

Degree students can normally take up to 2.0 credits in the summer. As ESP students, you can apply to do the same. The criteria are listed below.

  • To take 1.0 credit you need to be eligible to enroll (i.e. not suspended from study)
  • To take 1.5 credits you must be in good standing as a student, i.e., “Eligible to Continue” (normally a D+ average or higher)
  • To take 2.0 credits you’ll need to be admissible to a degree (normally C+ average)

You must apply for a course increase if you want to take more than 1.0 credit. Decisions made prior to final grades will be conditional and course loads will be adjusted if your CGPA drops below the requirements. You must complete this online form to qualify to increase your course load.

Apply to increase summer course load

When can I register for summer courses?

ESP student summer registration begins March 24. You can access the registration system yourself using Carleton Central at

How do I register?

The Summer course offering are available for viewing on or you can use the Public Class Schedule .

  1. Decide how many courses you want to take:
  2. Build a draft timetable in Carleton Central.
    • Check out this handy video on how to build a draft time table.
  3. Check if you have any registration holds.
    • Your ESP registration hold should expire on March 15th.
    • If you have unpaid fees, you may have a financial hold that prevents registration.
  4. Register. There are registration related how-to videos here.
  5. Make an advising appointment for assistance if needed.

You can choose from any of the course offerings at Carleton, provided you meet the prerequisite or other registration requirements.

  • For example, some courses are restricted to students in the program (common in programs like Journalism, Engineering, Architecture, Business, and Industrial Design) or to students with second year standing.
  • Check the course description for restrictions will be indicated in the course description.
  • Sometimes you can ask for permission to take a course (through the Course Override Request form in Carleton Central). Completing the form will send your request to the department offering the course. They will review it and let you know whether they can grant you access to the course.

Important registration, payment and withdrawal dates and deadlines can be found here.


Because your registration holds are not active during the summer, you are responsible for withdrawing yourself from a class.

How to drop a class: This video shows you the steps to drop a class.

Withdrawal deadlines

Please note there are different deadlines that apply depending on when the course is offered: early summer (May-Jun), full summer (May-Aug) or late summer (Jul-Aug). Read the withdrawal deadline information carefully as these dates are not flexible.

  • May 16: deadline to withdraw from early summer courses (those offered May-June) and receive a fee adjustment (i.e. have the fees cancelled)
  • May 31: deadline to withdraw from full summer courses (those offered May-Aug) and receive a fee adjustment (i.e. have the fees cancelled)
  • June 1: final deadline to withdraw from early summer courses with no fee adjustment
  • July 15: deadline to withdraw from late summer courses (those offered July-Aug) and receive a fee adjustment (i.e. have the fees cancelled)
  • Aug 1: final deadline to withdraw from late and full summer courses (those offered Jul-Aug and May-Aug) with no fee adjustment

When do summer courses start?

The summer session is divided into two 6-week terms.

  • Early Summer: Week of May 5 to June 17 (Exams: June 20-26)
  • Late Summer: Week of July 2 to August 14 (Exams: August 17-23)

Half-credit courses are usually offered in one term, and full credit courses normally span both terms, starting in May and ending in August.

Summer courses costs & funding

A half-credit course costs an estimated $680 (fees will be finalized in late spring). If you take 1.0 credit or more, you are normally charged the summer UPASS fee (approx. $240) as well as tuition. If you only take online this summer you should be able to opt-out of the UPASS. For more information on this visit See the fee estimator here and payment deadlines here.

April 25: Deadline to pay summer fees, unless you have an OSAP deferral. OSAP entitlements must be available by this date in order to be eligible for the OSAP deferral, so get your application submitted quickly to avoid late charges. You can check in Carleton Central under >Calculate Amount to Pay to confirm whether you have been granted this deferral.

Summer bursaries

Apply for a bursary to help with summer fees. Bursaries are awards based on financial need.

Summer bursary applications open May 2. Learn more about bursaries and how to apply here.

What if I need summer OSAP?

  • Full-time funding is available to those taking a minimum of 1.5 credits over the entire summer.
    • Full-time funding normally covers books, tuition and some living expenses.
    • To apply for full-time OSAP funding, you need to fill out a new 2024-2025 OSAP application (it’s still part of the current academic year).
    • See the Awards office website for a good full-time “how-to” guide 
  • Part-time funding may be available to students enrolled in fewer than 1.5 credits (if you take 0.5 or 1.0 credit).
  • Students with disabilities may be considered for full-time funding with a reduced course load (1.0 credit); please contact Awards or 613-520-3600 with inquiries.

I’m not in Ottawa for the summer. Can I take a course?

Yes. Some summer courses will be offered online. Check the Course listings for details on the delivery method – under the “Special Criteria” heading, you can select “Show online courses” to filter your search results. Tip: If you type just the number 1 in the Course Number box, it will only show first year course offerings.

How to succeed in summer courses

  • Summer courses are delivered in just half the time allotted to courses during the academic year.
    • That means that weekly lecture hours are doubled, reading loads are twice as heavy, assignments are due quickly, and then suddenly it’s the exam period!
    • This pace can be challenging, especially for students who are trying to balance academic work with the demands of a summer job or responsibilities at home.
    • Make sure to balance work and school – don’t try to do both full-time.
  • If you’re taking online courses, they have their own challenges.
    • Check out the online resources and tips at
    • Consider taking a course with a friend or two and (virtually) watching the course together at a specific time.
    • A buddy system can help keep you accountable.

What are the benefits of summer courses?

  • Completing a summer course brings you another step closer to the eventual completion of your degree.
  • Some students take a summer course as part of their plan for a reduced course load during the academic year.
  • Sometimes completing a credit in the summer will change your status from first year to second year (once you have completed 4.0 credits, you will be eligible for second year status).
  • Finally, if you don’t achieve the average required for admission, taking a summer course could help.
    • If you want to try to improve your average in the summer, we recommend an Early Summer term course that ends in June. Admissions can usually use that grade in the decision of your application.
    • Often Admissions is able to use grades from the late summer term as well, but some programs and/or majors will be full by the time the grade is available.