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Recycling – How Do I Do It?

Recycling stations of various sorts can be found all over campus and should be located in every office and most building floors. Scout out the ones nearest your department or classroom. If you feel that you need more bins or a new recycling depot, contact the FMP Service Centre at or ext. 3668.

The following is a list of the various sorts of recycling stations that have been made available on campus.

Office/Classroom Containers

Each office is supplied with a blue recycling container for the collection of mixed paper only. The custodial staff empties these containers as part of their weekly office service and brings the paper to a central location at the building’s loading dock where it is picked up by the recycling contractor. Should you need to dispose of corrugated cardboard, simply collapse it and place it next to your blue bin ready to be taken down to the loading docks with the rest of the recycling.

Indoor and Outdoor Recycling Stations

Newer indoor recycling stations are depicted below and contain compartments for garbage, mixed paper and mixed containers. Green outdoor stations are also depicted below and only contain compartments for mixed paper and mixed container recycling.

Food Services Recycling Bins

Look for these recycling bins in various locations around campus, including in Athletics.

Blue or Grey Recycling Caddies

Blue caddies can be found throughout campus. Check for signage on the lid and/or back wall to ensure that you are putting your recyclables in the correct place. Most caddies are set up to receive mixed containers or mixed paper. Corrugated cardboard can also be left beside any recycling stations for pickup.

Cardboard Bins

These are large six cubic yard containers that are usually located at the loading dock areas of selected buildings. These bins are for collecting cardboard boxes and other cardboard packaging materials. All boxes should be broken down before being deposited into these bins in order to conserve space. If you have excess cardboard that needs to be brought down to the cardboard bin and cannot be left beside your recycling station, please break them down and contact the FMP Service Centre at or ext. 3668. They will dispatch a member of the custodial staff to bring the cardboard down to the bin.