Contact Nika Linseman, Programs Support Officer in the
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
to confirm and verify your involvement
on the CCR (Co-Curricular Record).

Co-Curricular Record

The Co-Curricular Record recognizes “out of class” activities of all students (undergraduate and graduate students) including student life programs, leadership development, community service learning and involvement activities that contribute to the student experience.

By adding involvement experiences (through Carleton Central) to your CCR, students will be able to present this official documentation to prospective employers and professional graduate schools. The CCR is designed to complement an academic transcript and demonstrate the holistic learning students’ engaged in during their academic career.

Why Volunteer?
Top 10 reasons to Volunteer

  1. It’s good for you! Research shows that those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability as they get older and report good health more often. What’s more, the more you volunteer, the better the stats become.
  2. Get happy. Those who volunteer are less likely to be depressed. So, go for it—put on a happy face.
  3. Learn something new. Volunteering is a great way learn a new skill.
  4. Belong. No man or woman is an island. There is no better way to meet good people and connect with your community.
  5. It feels good. Yup—it’s true. It just plain feels good to give back to your community—it’s as good as eating ice cream. Why not do both?
  6. Be up on yourself. Volunteers consistently report a high feeling of self-worth, achievement and higher motivation.
  7. Move up the ladder. In a recent study more than 90% of employers feel that volunteering enhances job skills, and over 70% said they would hire someone with volunteer experience over someone without.
  8. Get out of a rut. Need a change of career? Volunteering is a great way to explore and get experience in a new field.
  9. Spend time with others who share similar interests. Volunteering is a great way to meet others with similar interests. Pick a cause or passion and give back to yourselves and the community at the same time!
  10.  Enrich your life. Volunteering adds meaning in many ways, through learning new skills, making new friendships, and by making our community a better place to live. Show yourself and people around you that you care—perhaps you can inspire them too!