Dario Chaiquin

Dario Chaiquin
Internship placement: Jewish Federation of Ottawa

Personal Statement

Dario Chaiquin is a third-year Political Science student at Carleton University, concentrating in International Relations. Originally from Argentina, Dario moved to Ottawa at the age of five, and has remained heavily involved with the city’s Jewish community ever since. Dario has strong passion for music, soccer, rock climbing, and the Ottawa Jewish community. Dario also has a passion for travel, which is embedded in his interest for International Relations and studying how different countries function. Dario will be interning at Jewish Federation of Ottawa, where he hopes to work on projects that help expand and modernize the Jewish community of Ottawa.

Blog #2

March 26, 2019

This school year, I had the privilege of interning at the Jewish Federation of Ottawa (JFO) with the DFL Internship Program. This was my first year participating in the DFL Program, and it has proven to be one of the most transformative experiences I’ve ever had. Now having finished my placement, and as the academic year draws to a close, I am able to fully reflect on my time working at JFO.

Before I begin, I should note that I strongly requested to be placed with JFO. I have always been heavily involved in the Jewish community since coming to Ottawa at 5 years old. The community has provided me with so much, and I have always tried to give back. Naturally, when I discovered that JFO was a possibility, I immediately jumped at the opportunity to intern there.

My time at JFO was incredibly meaningful, and I was tasked with various responsibilities. Each day in the office was different from the last. Throughout my internship, I worked on everything from data input to drafting detailed reports. Most importantly, no matter what I was doing, I knew what it was all for. I knew that I was in an environment where I could contribute to improving and strengthening a community for which I cared deeply. Moreover, my supervisors gave me the opportunities to properly thrive in the environment, and make the most of my time there.

One of the more exciting aspects of my internship was the opportunity to work with the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) on some really engaging side-projects. This partnership came about as a result of JFO wanting to accommodate my keen interest in politics. For one of the projects, I was tasked by CIJA to draft a preliminary platform for the then-incoming municipal government that touched on issues facing the Ottawa Jewish community. This experience enabled me to conduct thorough research for a meaningful end-goal and engaged both my passions for politics and the Ottawa Jewish community.

Working at JFO, I learned volumes about teamwork and leadership. With each task I completed, I always knew what it was all for in the end. I knew that my team and myself were contributing to the overall well-being and growth of the Ottawa Jewish community. I also learned how to be an even better team player, and how to lead in a group of leaders by showing initiative and seeking collaboration with others.

I am very grateful for the people I was able to work with at JFO. Both my supervisors and colleagues took time out of their busy schedules to “show me the ropes;” they were always happy and willing to answer my (many) questions, but most importantly, they made me feel like I was truly part of the team. I was often asked for my input, and I was given many opportunities to contribute. I can truly say that finishing my placement was profoundly bittersweet.

The DFL internship gave me the opportunity to grow as both an individual and as a leader. This internship provided me with opportunities I would not have had otherwise, and gave me the chance to do real work that meant a great deal to me. I will always remember this experience.

Blog #1

January 8, 2019

This is my first year as an intern with the Zelikovitz Centre’s Developing Future Leaders internship program. I have been assigned to the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, where I have been working hard every day, and I feel very grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of this organization. As an intern at Federation, I am part of the Community Building Team, where we focus on community and social initiatives in the Ottawa Jewish community. The events and programs we organize aim to further integrate families and individuals into the Jewish community of Ottawa. My individual work profile gives me tasks with a focus on the young professional demographic of the Jewish community. Additionally, due to my particular interests in politics, I have also been given the opportunity to work with the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) on certain projects that come up. I am given different tasks every time I go into the office. One week I will be sitting in on meetings and creating different programs, and the next I’ll be doing data-input and going off-site to help set up for events. Overall, my time so far at JFO has been very engaging, and I have been able to work on a wide array of topics that interest me greatly. I learn something new with each experience, and all the work I do leaves me feeling extremely fulfilled.

When I started in September, I was given the opportunity to create a report, documenting the enrollment, attrition, and funding rates for all Jewish day and supplementary schools in Ottawa, spanning a 5-year period. This report was presented to a specific Task Force, and used to calculate and determine funding rates for the same schools going forward. Throughout the rest of the month I attended several meetings, and made introductions with the entire team at JFO. This experience was really motivating, as I felt (and continue to feel) valued, and it was insightful to learn of all the important work that happens behind-the-lines at JFO.

In October, I helped coordinate and set up for JFO’s annual Challah Bake event, and was later introduced to Federation’s database, to afterward input the data of all attendees of the event. I also began my work with CIJA in October, and was tasked with designing a municipal policy platform that aims to resolve an array of social issues impacting the Ottawa Jewish community. I am still working with CIJA on this platform, with the goal of presenting the finished product to the newly-elected municipal government in Ottawa. I especially enjoyed working alongside CIJA, not only due to my keen interest in politics, but also because this experience showed me the extensive reach that JFO has, as it collaborates with countless organizations on various different initiatives.

November was Holocaust Education Month, so we were all very busy at Federation working away at a series of incredible and informative events on the topic of Holocaust Education, and I was given the opportunity to help set up a movie screening as part of the Holocaust Education event series. Holocaust Education is an incredibly important matter for me, and it was extremely meaningful to me to be able to help out with this initiative.

My time so far at Jewish Federation of Ottawa has been incredibly meaningful and fulfilling, and I find myself increasingly excited to go into the office each week. I am very thankful to the DFL program for providing me with this opportunity, and I truly cannot wait to see what I will accomplish with JFO in this upcoming semester.