What you can expect from your Partner Agency

Your partner agency will provide an internship that blends hands-on experience with leadership exposure. Partner agencies are expected to create interaction between interns and professional staff, management, and clients. If at all possible, specific projects are recommended to be completed during the placement. Most importantly, partner agencies are to have clear agreement with interns on: (1) their goals for their placement, (2) what are agency expectations, and (3) how and when they will be evaluated.

2017-18 Developing Future Leaders (DFL) Program – Partner Agencies

11 DFL interns were placed for 2017-18, as follows:

Since 2010, the Developing Future Leaders program has been proud to work with many local and national partner agencies:Partner Agencies

  • Bess and Moe Greenberg Hillel Lodge
  • B’nai Brith Youth Organization
  • Center for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES)
  • Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA)
  • Embassy of Israel in Canada
  • Hillel Ottawa
  • JET (Jewish Education through Torah)
  • Jewish Community Centre (JCC)
  • Jewish Family Services
  • Jewish Federation of Ottawa
  • Limmud Ottawa
  • Mahzikei Hadas Synagogue
  • Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies
  • National Conference of Synagogue Youth
  • Ottawa Jewish Archives
  • Ottawa Jewish Bulletin
  • Ottawa Modern Jewish School (OMJS)
  • Rhor Chabad Student Network of Ottawa
  • Save a Child’s Heart (SACH)
  • Senate of Canada – MP Offices
  • Tamir
  • Temple Israel
  • Ten Yad
  • Torah Academy