Discover why so many students make Carleton University their #1 choice for post-secondary education. Carleton is home to Canada’s premier legal studies program and offers the most comprehensive B.A. program in law in Canada.

Alumni Profiles Career Paths Faculty Testimonials
Learn more about
our alumni and their
experiences with the
B.A. program in Law
Find out what you can
do with a Bachelor’s
Degree from Law and
Legal Studies
Meet some of our faculty
and hear what they are
saying about our
B.A. program in Law


Alumni Profiles

Find out what careers our alumni have achieved and how a B.A. Law degree led them to success!

75 for 75

In honour of Carleton University’s 75th anniversary in 2017, the Faculty of Public Affairs profiled 75 inspiring alumni! Among those highlighted are a number of alums from the Department of Law and Legal Studies:


Julie Delahanty

Executive Director, Oxfam Canada

Bachelor of Arts, Law (‘92), and Master of International Affairs (‘95)


Juanita Dobson

Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Victims and Vulnerable Persons Division,
Government of Ontario

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Law (’88)


Michelle Douglas

Activist and Advocate

Bachelor of Arts, Combined Honours in Law and Political Science (’85)

John Peters

Principal, Jaimac Risk Management

Bachelor of Arts, Law (’88)


Sue O’Sullivan

Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

Bachelor of Arts, Law and Sociology (‘81)


 Saäd Rafi

CEO, Ontario Retirement Pension Plan

Bachelor of Arts, Law (’83), and Master of Arts, Public Administration (’88)

Video Profiles

Written Profiles

FPA Spotlight

Nejolla Korris
B.A. /06
in Law
CEO and Founder,
InterVeritas International

Share Your Story!

Are you a recent graduate, looking to leave your mark? Consider sharing your story and impart advice for future students. Contact us with your positive experience to join our Alumni Profiles!

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Faculty Testimonials

At Carleton, you’ll be taught by experienced professors with a keen understanding of the law, many of whom publish extensively and are award-winning researchers. And since a large number of part-time course instructors are drawn from federal departments, government agencies, and private sector organizations in Ottawa, you’ll also be taught by seasoned professionals with extensive working experience in the field.