M.Sc. Program requirements: 4 credits


Ph.D. program requirements: 10 credits

How do I choose my courses?
Confirm your choice of courses with your supervisor.

Can I take a course from another discipline?
Yes, students should consult their supervisor(s) regarding their course selection to ensure that not all courses taken are in the same field of mathematics; at least 1.0 credit should be in another field.

Where can I find more information about Directed Studies courses?

Where can I find more information about Internships?

When should I start working on my thesis?
Discuss this with your supervisor.
Who should be at the thesis defence?

What happens if I did not achieve a B- in my course?
A grade of B- or better must normally be obtained in each course credited towards the master’s degree. A candidate may, with the support of the Graduate Director and the approval of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, be allowed a grade of C+ in .5 credit.

For master’s students:

  • Internal (Internal to Carleton University but External to the School)
  • Faculty member from the School • Faculty member from the University of Ottawa
  • Committee Chair (faculty member from the School)

For Ph.D. students:

  • External Examiner (another Institution)
  • Internal (Internal to Carleton University but External to the School)
  • Faculty member from the School • Faculty member from the University of Ottawa
  • Committee Chair (faculty member from the School)

Do I need to apply to graduate?
Yes, otherwise you will not graduate. All you will have is a fulfillment of the program requirements. Don’t wait until your thesis is deposited to apply to graduate. The deadlines to apply to graduate are as follows: March 1 for Spring Convocation (June) September 1 for Fall Convocation (November) December 1 for Winter Convocation (February) There is no ceremony but you will be invited to participate in the Spring convocation. Late applications will not be considered. You must apply to graduate online at Carleton Central.

Do I automatically get a mailbox in the School mailroom?
Only graduate students holding a Teaching Assistantship will be assigned a mailbox.

How do I apply for travel funding?
If you are a full-time student whose paper or poster has been accepted to a conference, please read and follow the instructions and application forms here. Please complete it in full and submit to the Graduate Administrator for processing.