Negotiation Skills, also known as the Practical Certificate in Negotiation is an online, 1-day workshop designed to provide participants with a methodological and conceptual foundation necessary to manage complex intergovernmental and International relations.  Similar to our Professional Certificate in Intergovernmental and International Negotiation workshop, this program features key elements of the SageBagaining® methodology designed by our facilitators Dr. Michael Dolan and Dr. Brian Tomlin.  This workshop and the SageBargaining® method are presented in cooperation with the Centre for Public and International Affairs Training and Development (CPIAT&D).

The goal of the workshop is to provide instruction on how to communicate effectively in negotiations in order to achieve joint decisions that serve the interests and objectives of the
organization. To this end, the workshop addresses a number of skills and knowledge areas associated with preparing for and conducting negotiations.

Please note, that as of November 2023, all programming that features the SageBargaining® method is administered through the Centre for Public and International Affairs Training and Development (CPIAT&D).


  • Fall 2024 Program: November 8, 2024.
  • Winter 2025 Program:  January 20, 2025.

Registration: registration is now open.  Before registering please review our cancellation and withdrawal policies here.

To request a registration form through CPIAT&D please contact the Associate Director

Location:  online
Time: 9 AM to 4:00 PM
Fee: $ 750 + HST.
Note. NPSIA and NPSIA-PT&D alumni along with members of the Ottawa Diplomatic Association may register at the alumni rate of $ 725 + HST.

About this workshop:

Skills learnt in this workshop are applicable to informal relationship management processes and more formal negotiations, at both bilateral and multilateral levels. The emphasis is on developing a foundation of capabilities needed to achieve the best outcomes when undertaking complex negotiations.

Learning objectives in this course include:

• consider the interests of domestic stakeholders in negotiations
• develop appropriate responses for dealing with non-cooperation
• develop strategic and tactical plans for negotiating
• estimate the presence and parameters of a zone of potential agreement in negotiations
• employ systematic analysis to develop positions based on negotiating mandates
• adopt appropriate roles in multilateral negotiations
• form and manage coalitions

Learning in the workshop will focus on:

• personal orientation to negotiation
• decision-making biases
• two-level bargaining
• systematic analysis for negotiation
• strategies and tactics for effective negotiation
• multilateral bargaining and coalition formation

The Negotiation Skills workshop is part  of the SageBargaining® program.  This workshop summarizes the lecture and presentation material covered in the larger two step program:

  • Step 1 – Bilateral Intergovernmental and International Negotiations (2 days) and
  • Step 2 – Multilateral Intergovernmental and International Negotiations (2 days).
  1. To learn more about the SageBargaining® method please click here.


Open to all practitioners of Intergovernmental and International Affairs management who have a mandate or responsibility to undertake and / or support bargaining / negotiation activities.


BT Brian W. Tomlin is Professor Emeritus in The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa. A former Director of the School, he has also served as Chair of the Centre for Trade Policy and Law at Carleton and the University of Ottawa, Editor of the Canadian Foreign Policy journal, and Senior Academic Advisor at the Canadian Foreign Service Institute in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. He has written extensively on international bargaining and negotiation, public policy analysis, and Canada’s international policies. He is the co-author/editor of fifteen books, including an award-winning study of the negotiation of the Canada-United States free trade agreement, and another on the negotiation of the North American free trade agreement.
michael_Dolan Michael B. Dolan is Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Political Economy at Carleton University, and was the founding Director of its Institute of Political Economy. He taught for some years in the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, initiating a core program in global political economy. Dr Dolan has researched national and international negotiation for over forty years and has published extensively as well in international political economy, international trade and development, and relations between developing and developing countries.
Since 1983, Dolan and Tomlin have provided negotiation advisory services and negotiation training for a variety of organizations in Canada, including Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Bank of Canada, Canadian Centre for Management Development, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Department of Finance, Employment and Immigration Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Global Affairs Canada, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Manitoba Hydro, Manitoba First Nations, Public Health Agency of Canada, Public Service Commission of Canada, and the governments of Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, and Yukon. Internationally, they have worked with the governments of Brazil, El Salvador, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Russia, Thailand, Ukraine, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, and the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Secretariat and member countries of the Caribbean Community.