Academic Consideration for Coursework Request Form

Students are to complete this form if instructed to do so by their instructor for short term requests as per the Academic Consideration Policy. Students should consult the course syllabus about the instructor’s policy or procedures for requesting academic consideration.

Coursework is defined as academic work assigned to students not including formally scheduled final examinations and take-home exams. Requests for accommodations during the formal exam period must follow the official deferral process.

As per the Academic Consideration Policy, if students encounter extenuating circumstances that temporarily hinder their capacity to fulfil in-class academic requirements for a period that is five days or less, they can request academic consideration as per the following instructions:

  1. Consult the course syllabus about the instructor’s policy or procedures for requesting academic consideration.
  2. Contact your instructor(s) as soon as possible and normally no later than 24 hours after the submission deadline.
  3. Fill out this form as requested
  4. Complete and submit course work per academic consideration, if granted.

Extenuating circumstances are circumstances that:

  • are beyond a student’s control
  • have a significant impact on the student’s capacity to meet their academic obligations; and
  • could not have reasonably been prevented

Please note that requests are not automatically approved. Approving and determining the accommodation remains at the discretion of the instructor.

  • Note: transit issues, competing deadlines, personal social obligations, employment obligations and travel do not constitute extenuating circumstances.
    Section VI.4 of the Academic Integrity Policy is available at the Secretariat website.