The page includes Departmental Regulations and Resources for Graduate Students. Where noted below, some regulations exist in conjunction with, or as extensions of, the Graduate Calendar regulations and policies.

For assistance with course planning please refer to the Current Graduate Students page: Course Planning and Registration.

Academic Standing and Warning

Please find the complete regulations in sections 11.1 to 11.4 of the Graduate Calendar, regulations. Please note that the below information expands on the regulations outlined in in 11.1-11.4 of the Graduate Calendar. 

Passing Grade in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering

Grades and Academic Standing

As per graduate regulations 11.2 and 11.3 in the Graduate Calendar, Graduate students in System and Computer Engineering must obtain a grade of B- or better to earn credit in a course. Grades lower than B- are not considered a “passing” grade.

Academic Warning

Students who are placed on academic warning as a results of obtaining a low GPA, as per the above definitions, have until the end of the subsequent term improve their GPA. Students who are placed on academic warning are encouraged to review their study plans and practices, discuss their options with their Thesis Supervisor(s) (if a MASc or PhD student) or the Graduate Advising team (if a MEng student) and follow their guidance. Due to the nature of Academic Warning, students are only provided one term to improve their grades. Additional opportunities to improve performance will not be provided beyond the first term after academic warning. Consequently, students who are not able to raise their GPA sufficiently will be withdrawn from the program. If a student is able to raise their GPA beyond 7.0 they will be taken off of academic warning.

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Grade Appeal Process

Students who would like to appeal a grade should first begin by making a request to the course instructor. If, after receiving a response from the instructor, the student is not satisfied, the students may contact the Department’s Chair to commence a formal grade appeal. The complete process is outlined by the Faculty of Postdoctoral Affairs: Formal Grade Appeal Process.

PhD Comprehensive Examinations

The PhD Comprehensive Examinations are a mandatory requirement for all doctoral candidates in Electrical Engineering. These examinations are designed to evaluate the candidate’s comprehensive understanding of the discipline. The examination process consists of two written exams followed by an oral examination before a faculty committee.

Examination Structure

  1. Written Examinations
    • Major Topic Exam: 3 hours in duration
    • Minor Topic Exam: 2 hours in duration

    Candidates must choose a major and a minor exam from the list of available topics. These written exams assess the candidate’s knowledge at the senior undergraduate or beginning master’s level. Students are expected to demonstrate:

    • An in-depth understanding of their major area.
    • A working knowledge of their minor area.

    Exam Choices:

  2. Oral Examination Following the written examinations, candidates must complete an oral examination conducted by a faculty committee. This examination involves:
    • A review and discussion of the candidate’s written exams.
    • Additional questioning to assess the candidate’s breadth and depth of knowledge.

Scheduling and Timelines

Full-Time Students

  • Fall Admits: Students admitted in the Fall term are required to write the comprehensive examinations in the following Spring term. For example, a student admitted in Fall 2024 must complete the exams in Spring 2025.
  • Winter Admits: Students admitted in the Winter term may choose to write the exams in the same Spring term or defer to the following Spring. For example, a student admitted in Winter 2024 may write in Spring 2024 or Spring 2025.

Part-Time Students

  • Part-time students are granted an additional year to prepare. For example, a student admitted in Fall 2024 is required to write the exams in Spring 2026.

Postponement Policy

Students may request to postpone their comprehensive examinations under exceptional circumstances. Requests must be supported by:

  • A valid reason for the delay.
  • Written approval from the student’s academic supervisor.

All requests for postponement must be submitted in writing and approved in advance.

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MEng Program and Course Regulations

The information below is to help guide new MEng students with their registration. Though the department will always strive to keep this information updated, students should always verify their own program requirements through the graduate calendar. As stated in the Graduate Calendar: “All interested students should consult their program graduate supervisor/associate chair (graduate affairs), prior to registration, in order to obtain further information on particular departmental conditions of eligibility and procedures”.

Students are also encouraged to review their Academic Audit. The audit provides you with a snapshot of your progress. Learn how to read your audit: How to Read Your Audit. Please refer to our course planning guide to learn more about taking non-departmental courses, courses marked “extra to degree” and more.

MEng Course Limit

MEng students in the Department of Systems and Computer engineering are limited to taking three courses (1.5 credits) per term. Students may request a one-course (0.5 credit) increase if they meet the following eligibility:

MEng ECE Program Requirements

Please make note of the additional requirements, noted in bold, based in your year of admission.

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MEng Projects

Please visit the MEng Project page for more details on eligibility, the application process, and available projects.

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MEng Academic Requests Form

MEng students who would like to request taking an outside course, course overload for a single term, a program extension (Graduate Calendar Regulation 13.5), or transition to part time (Graduate Calendar Regulation 7.10) may make a request to the department after reviewing the official policies and regulations relating to the area of request.

After reviewing the official policies and regulations, students may initiate the request process by completing the MEng Academic Request Form (Department of System and Computer Engineer students only). Additional documentation will be emailed to the requestor after submission of the form.

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Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate Courses

Select undergraduate BEng students may be eligible to take graduate courses as part of the accelerated pathway program. Students are limited to courses offered by the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering (SYSC and BIOM courses). Interested students should contact the Undergraduate Chair to learn more.

Taking Undergraduate Courses

For Master of Applied Science and Master of Engineering students only.

At the start of a program a student or supervisor may identify an undergraduate curriculum area that a student requires additional knowledge base in so that the student may proceed with their studies or research. Please review the instructions relevant to your program of study below. Please note that PhD students  are not permitted to take 4th year courses for credit.

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Ethics Protocols

The Office of Research Ethics oversees ethics protocols at Carleton University. Please visit their website for a complete list of resources, including Information an overview of who needs to apply for ethics, the application process and forms. Please note that all changes to Protocol and Annual Renewal/Closure Reports should be submitted in CuResearch.

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Keys, Technical Support, Desks, Labs and Emails

Lab Keys

Keys require a $40.00 deposit, and payment can be made via debit or credit. Keys may be picked up from the main office (ME 4456), by appointment only. Please book an appointment by sending an e-mail to, and include in Cc your Thesis Supervisor(s) (MASc and PhD students) on the e-mail. A refund can only be issued once the key has been returned.

Desk Space

Desks are assigned by the Department’s Administrative staff. The rooms are assigned based on a number of criteria, including but not limited to student’s research needs, desk availability and registration. Please complete this form to make a request. Desk assignments begin once the term has commenced and availability is determined.

Email Communications

Students should use their or to contact the department, staff and faculty, and include their student number if relevant to their inquiry. To set up your Cmail email account, please visit the Carleton Cmail Account Set-up page. Students who are interested in obtaining the optional SCE department email account should complete the SCE Email Request Form.

MEng Lab Access (CB 5105)

MEng students may request access to CB 5105 via the following form: CB 5105 Access Request Form.

Technical Support

Basic information on Technical support can be found here. If you require assistance, please email Tech Services at

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