The Carleton University Senate is calling for nominations for full-time CUASA faculty members to serve on the University Promotions Committee (UPC) for the 2024/25 academic year.
To be eligible, faculty must currently hold the rank of Full Professor. Note that faculty members in the Teaching Stream are not eligible for the positions. Eight (8) elected positions are available as follows:
- Two members from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Two members from the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs
- Two members from the Faculty of Engineering & Design
- One member from the Faculty of Science
- One member from the Sprott School of Business
In addition to these 8 elected faculty members, the UPC consists of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) as Chairperson, and eight (8) other members chosen by the President. Faculty members chosen by the President are not eligible to run for the elected positions.
To submit a self-nomination for one of the eight (8) elected faculty positions, please send a statement of candidacy to Kathy McKinley, Assistant University Secretary at your earliest convenience and before December 6, 2024. The statement of candidacy should include the name of the committee (UPC) on which you wish to serve, your name, rank, academic unit, and Faculty.
The meetings of the University Promotions Committee will take place on April 9, 2025.
Following the nomination period, candidates for contested positions will be elected by the tenured and tenure-track employees of the respective Faculties. If there is an insufficient number of candidates, the parties shall fill any vacancies at JCAA by mutually agreed appointment.
The procedural rules of the committee are in accordance with Article 10 of the Collective Agreement.
Regarding eligibility for membership on this committee, please note the following general committee rules which are an excerpt of clause 10.11 of the CU/CUASA Collective Agreement:
- Members must not serve on any Tenure and Promotion committee in any year in which they have applied for tenure and/or promotion.
- Members of the Tenure and Promotion Committees at the Department, Faculty, and University levels cannot serve on the TPAC in the same academic year.
- The Presidential Officers of the Association and the CUASA Grievance Chair shall not serve on any DTPC, FTPC, UPC or TPAC.
- Any person taking part in the assessment of a candidate will disclose any relationship which could be a cause for a conflict of interest. The Committee shall determine whether or not the relationship constitutes a conflict of interest. In such decisions, the Committee will err on the side of caution. A person may request that a conflict of interest decision be made by JCAA.
- All committees established as part of the tenure and promotion review process must have at least one male and one female member and best efforts shall be made to reflect the diversity of the academic community these committees are representing.
Clause 10.11 contains additional provisions regarding the process and should be consulted for further information.
Thank you
Kathy McKinley
Assistant University Secretary, Carleton University