Revision approved by Senate on February 28, 2014

Terms of Reference

  1. The Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee makes final decisions on undergraduate petitions related to common academic regulations of the University.
  2. This Committee also has the authority to review decisions made by the CASs and the JCAS.
  3. Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee (SUSC) will decide its own quorum rule, but it is recommended that the quorum be the Chair and two faculty representatives.
  4. The Committee will maintain a record of all precedents established to serve as a guide for the future. This record of decisions would be available to the CASs and the JCAS.
  5. The Chair of SUSC may refer individual cases to and seek advice from the CASs and the JCAS and vice versa.
  6. Normally, JCAS/CAS Reps or their designate serve for a three-year term, renewable.

The Committees on Admission and Studies (FED CAS, Science CAS, Business CAS, and BIT CAS) and the Joint Committee on Admission and Studies (FASS/PA JCAS) are responsible for undergraduate petitions related to academic regulations and admissions decisions that are specific to the programs and degrees within the jurisdiction of the respective Committees. Each CAS and the JCAS will include, as required, non-voting representation from the Undergraduate Petitions and Appeals Secretariat and the Admissions Services.


  1. A faculty member selected by Senate to serve as Chair
  2. Two representatives from the FASS/PA JCAS or a delegate designated by the FASS/FPA JCAS.
  3. One representative or their designate from each other CAS
  4. One representative from the Undergraduate Petitions and Appeals Secretariat, non-voting
  5. One representative from the Admissions Services, non-voting.