A man of hope, vision and action, Second Cup co-founder Frank O’Dea was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, at the 9:30 a.m. ceremony on Thursday, June 12, in recognition of a distinguished record of public service and community leadership.

Mr O’Dea’s rags-to-riches story of succeeding against all odds is an inspiration to all entrepreneurs. Forty years ago, he was panhandling in the alleys of Toronto and sleeping in 50-cent-a-night flophouses. After a few stabs at running such businesses as selling coin sorters to churches or coffee beans to consumers, he envisioned selling coffee by the cup.

He eventually sold his interest in Second Cup, which became the largest chain of gourmet coffees and teas in the country, and co-founded Proshred Security, a company that pioneered the industry of on-site document destruction. Today, he is one of Canada’s most successful entrepreneurs. Mr O’Dea’s achievements also extend to the not-for-profit sector, nationally and abroad.

As founder of War Child (Canada) and co-founder of Street Kids International and the Canadian Landmine Foundation, he has raised awareness about landmines, street children devastated by war or family circumstances, and AIDS orphans. He also launched a book about his inspiring journey – When All You Have is Hope.