Auditor General of Canada Sheila Fraser was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, “in recognition of an outstanding contribution towards ensuring government accountability and the effectiveness of the public service.”

Known as plain-talking and fearless, Ms. Fraser has been recognized for her contribution to the fields  of accounting and legislative auditing. She was the first woman ever to hold the office of auditor general, which dates back to 1878.

Appointed for a ten-year term in 2001, she was also the first auditor general to be promoted to the top job from within. Since she joined the office as deputy auditor general in 1999, Ms. Fraser has played a key role in the office’s strategic planning, policy and program development. As auditor general, she has focused on serving the needs of parliamentarians and ensuring they have reliable information with which to hold the government accountable for its use of public funds.

Before joining the office of the auditor general, Ms. Fraser was a partner in the firm of Ernst & Young and worked with the auditor general of Quebec and various provincial government departments. She also chaired two committees of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions.