Senate Committees
There are 14 standing committees that report to Senate. Members of committees include faculty, students and non-academic staff.
To learn more about Senate Committees, please refer to Article 9 of the Academic Governance of the University policy.
Membership 2024-25
- Senate Executive Committee
Senate Executive Committee Members
- President (ex officio) (Chair)
- Provost and Vice-President (Academic) (ex officio)
- Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) (non-voting) (ex officio)
- Clerk of Senate (ex officio)
- Root Gorelick (Faculty of Science)
- Rebecca Renfroe (Sprott School of Business)
- Christian Viau (Faculty of Engineering & Design)
- Nir Hagigi (Undergraduate Student)
- Jayesh Kundu (Graduate Student)
- Senate Quality Assurance and Planning Committee
Senate Quality Assurance and Planning Committee Members
- Vice-Provost and Associate VP (Academic) (ex officio) (Chair, non-voting)
- Johan Voordouw (Faculty of Engineering & Design)
- Matthias Neufang (Faculty of Science)
- Paul Keen (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Siva Sivathayalan (Faculty of Engineering & Design)
- Augustine Park (Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences)
- Aron Darmody (Sprott School of Business)
- Jennifer Stewart (Faculty of Public and Global Affairs)
- Pamela Wolff (Faculty of Science)
- David Mendeloff (Faculty of Public and Global Affairs, Senator)
- VACANT (Undergraduate Student)
- Noeline Paul (Graduate Student)
- Julia Wallace (Chair of SCCASP)
- (CUASA Observer) – Josh Horton
- Resources: AVP (Academic Programs & Strategic Initiatives, Librarian, Undergraduate and Curriculum and Calendar Officer, Graduate Curriculum and Calendar Officer, Vice-Provost (Graduate Studies), Office of Vice-Provost and AVP (Academic) Subject Matter Experts
- Senate Committee on Curriculum, Admissions and Studies Policy (SCCASP)
Senate Committee on Curriculum, Admissions and Studies Policy (SCCASP) Members
- Julia Wallace (Chair)
- Clerk of Senate (ex officio)
- Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) (ex officio)
- Vice-President (Students and Enrollment) and University Registrar (Secretary) (ex officio)
- Rebecca Renfroe (Sprott School of Business)
- Augustine Park (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Samuel Ajila (Faculty of Engineering and Design)
- Vandna Bhatia (Faculty of Public and Global Affairs)
- Matthias Neufang (Faculty of Science)
- Jacky Chan (Undergraduate Student)
- Erick Arwa (Graduate Student)
- Resources: Director of Admissions Services, Graduate Curriculum and Calendar Officer, Undergraduate Curriculum and Calendar Officer, Associate University Registrar, Associate Vice-President (Enrolment Management), Director, Graduate Services and Registrar, Director, Office of Academic Programs and Strategic Initiatives, Representative from the Office of Institutional Research and Planning (OIRP), Assistant Registrar, Academic Evaluation and Curriculum Management, Manager, Student System Support, Vice-Provost (Graduate Studies)
- Senate Committee on Undergraduate Student Awards
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Student Awards Members
- Rodney Nelson (Sprott School of Business) (Chair)
- Nadiya Slobodenyuk (Faculty member, FASS)
- Edward Cyr (Faculty of Science)
- Perry Legakis, Director, Student Awards (Secretary)
- Designate of the VP, Finance & Administration – Jonathan Lee
- Designate of the Chief Advancement Officer – Elizabeth DiSabato
- Jacky Chan (Student Member)
- Logan Breen (Student Member)
- Senate Committee on Medals and Prizes
Senate Committee on Medals and Prizes Members
- Clerk of Senate, (Chair)
- The Dean (or his/her designate) from each of the Faculties of Arts & Social Sciences, Public and Global Affairs, Sprott School of Business, Science, and Engineering and Design
- Chair, Senate Committee on Undergraduate Student Awards
- University Registrar, Secretary (voting)
- Senate Academic Governance Committee (SAGC)
Senate Academic Governance Committee (SAGC) Members
- Clerk of Senate (ex officio) (Chair)
- Rodney Nelson (Faculty of Sprott)
- David Mendeloff (Faculty of FPA)
- Donald Russell (Faculty, FED)
- Joana Rocha (Faculty of FED))
- Kevin Graham (Faculty of Science)
- Shazia Sadaf (Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences)
- Shanorah Brown (Undergraduate Student)
- Taihisa Hill-Guye (Graduate Student)
- Honorary Degrees Committee
Honorary Degrees Committee Members
- Rafik Goubran, Vice-President (Research and International) (Chair)
- President (ex-officio)
- Clerk of Senate (ex-officio)(Secretary)
- Stelios Zyglidopoulos (Sprott School of Business)
- Peter Watson (Retired Faculty)
- Jennifer Evans (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Seyda Ipek (Faculty of Science)
- Donald Russell (Faculty of Engineering and Design)
- Chris Worswick (Faculty of Public and Global Affairs)
- Louise Hayes (Alumni Representative)
- VACANT (Graduate Student)
- Logan Breen (Undergraduate Student)
- Resource: Chief Communications Officer, Department of University Communications
- Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee (SUSC)
Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee (SUSC) Members
- John Logan (Chair)
- Neil Gerlach (Faculty of Public and Global Affairs)
- Ernest Kwan (Sprott School of Business)
- Robert Langlois (Faculty of Engineering and Design)
- Susan Birkwood (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- David Brock (Faculty of Science)
- Evaluation Officer – Susan McConnell
- Petitions Officer – A. Haarbosch
- Assistant Registrar, Undergraduate Appeals Secretariat – Karla Creech
- Senate Student Academic Integrity Appeal Committee (SSAIAC)
Senate Student Academic Integrity Appeal Committee (SSAIAC) Members
- Cristina Ruiz Martin (Faculty of Engineering and Design) – Chair
- Jean Daudelin (Faculty of Public and Global Affairs)
- Sana Mohsni (Sprott School of Business)
- Hassan Bashir (Faculty of Public & Global Affairs)
- Beth Hughes (Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences)
- Karla Creech (Registrar’s Office) (non-voting) (Secretary)
- Sam Haskins (Undergraduate Student)
- Rana Saadi (Graduate Student)
- Senate Educational Equity Committee
Senate Educational Equity Committee – Note that this committee is currently inactive and undergoing review.
- Vice-President Students & Enrolment (Chair)
- VACANT (Faculty Member, FASS)
- VACANT (Faculty Member, FPGA)
- VACANT (Faculty Member, FED)
- VACANT (Faculty Member, Science)
- VACANT (Faculty Member, Sprott)
- VACANT (Graduate Student)
- VACANT (Undergraduate Student)
- Student Academic Accommodations Appeal Committee
Student Academic Accommodations Appeal Committee Members – Note that this committee is currently inactive and undergoing review.
- VACANT (Chair) (Faculty Member)
- Director, Student Affairs (Secretary)
- VACANT (Faculty Member)
- VACANT (Faculty Member)
- Graduate Student Appeal Committee
Graduate Student Appeal Committee Members
- Christiane Wilke (Chair) (Faculty of Public and Global Affairs)
- Jody Mason (Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences)
- Hassan Bashir (Faculty of Public and Global Affairs)
- Jeffrey Erochko (Faculty of Engineering & Design)
- VACANT (Faculty)
- Ehsan Eidi (Graduate Student)
- Renee De Laire (Graduate Studies, Secretary) (non-voting)
- Senate Review Committee (SRC)
Senate Review Committee (SRC) Members
- Gabriel Wainer (Chair, Faculty member)
- Isaac Odoom (Faculty of Public and Global Affairs)
- VACANT (Faculty of Engineering & Design)
- Rodney Nelson (Sprott School of Business)
- Robert Collier (Faculty of Science)
- Shane Hawkins (Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
- Khaled Mslmani (Undergraduate Student)
- Mircea Preotesoiu (Undergraduate Student)
- VACANT (Graduate Student)
- Vrundesh Sanjaykumar Rathod (Graduate Student)
- Resource – (OIRP) (non-voting)