Senate Educational Equity Committee
Terms of Reference
The Senate Committee on Educational Equity assists Senate in the implementation of the educational equity and related policies to ensure coordination of interests and activities within the area of educational equity. The Committee monitors and reports as necessary to Senate on such areas as admission procedures, academic and personal support, student recruitment and success.
Specific Mandate
- To identify and make recommendations to Senate on policies and services within Senate’s purview relevant to the achievement of the goals of educational equity for students, faculty, and associated professionals who are members of the designated groups for educational equity.
- To oversee and report to Senate on policies and services related to advising, orientation, retention, and success of students and the implementation of the Academic Accommodation Policy for students with physical and learning disabilities. The Committee has a designated sub-committee on these matters.
- To serve an education function for the University Community in the area of educational equity and to receive reports of training conducted under the Policy.
- To identify data elements (and gather data) to permit assessment of the effectiveness of implementation of the Policy and monitor progress made under the Policy.
- To keep the Educational Equity Policy and related policies under continuing review and to recommend amendments or revisions from time to time.
- To report to Senate on an annual basis.
- The Vice-President (Students and Enrolment) as Chair;
- Five members of faculty to represent the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Public Affairs, Sprott School of Business, Engineering and Design, and Science;
- One undergraduate student and one graduate student;
The staff of the Equity Services, the International Student Services Office and the Director of the Educational Development Centre as resource persons on an as needed basis.