Alumni Memory: Stefan Keyes, BJ ’09

A Lifelong Friendship

There are several fond memories, but when I think of j-school I always think of one friendship in particular that wouldn’t have happened had we not been in the program together. Meg Stoudt was certainly a rock in a rigorous program with a reputation to maintain as being the best in the country. On days I felt defeated by life, she was there for a chat and good belly laughs. We are buds to this day. I’ve emceed her wedding and had dinners with her family. She more or less named my first car in university based on an inside joke. Even now, we occasionally laugh about the time we drove to Kingston to fulfill a TV assignment in our senior years and got lost on the way back in a winter storm because the snow had completely covered the highway signs. Even as I write this, I’m smiling thinking about it. – Stefan Keyes (BJ ’09)

Alumni Memories are part of Carleton Journalism’s 75th Anniversary.

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