SLaLS now offers a Practicum in Speech and Language Pathology (LING 4604) to students in the new BA Honours in Linguistics with a concentration in Psycholinguistics and Communication Disorders or the new BSc Honours in Linguistics with a concentration in Psycholinguistics and Communication Disorders.

About the Course

LING 4604: Practicum in Speech Language Pathology (0.5 credits)

Version:  June 10, 2019

  1. Course description

Through seven-hour-a-week field placements in a Speech-Language Pathology clinic or organization (“sponsoring agency”), students will gain experience in clinical research and/or applications of the psycholinguistics of communication disorders and cognitive development. Working with a supervisor in the sponsoring agency, they will work on a project that addresses a research question or practical need within the agency and matches their academic interests. Students are required to find their own placements, with suggestions from the Practicum Coordinator if necessary.

Students are required to submit an application package (see section 4 below) by July 12, 2019. Notification of acceptance will be emailed by July 31. A maximum of 8 students will be accepted each semester. Once accepted, students may register for the practicum course and start securing their placement (more details will be provided at a later date). In the meantime, students should register for another course as a backup, which would be replaced by the practicum if the application is approved.

  1. Requirements
  • Fourth-year standing in the Honours BA or BSc in Linguistics with a Concentration in Psycholinguistics and Communication Disorders
  • Minimum CGPA of 10.0 in the major
  • Prerequisite course: LING 3604
  • Completion of application paperwork
  • Securing of an appropriate placement (once accepted)
  • Approval from the School of Linguistics and Language Studies
  1. Evaluation

Students will be evaluated on the following:

  • Conduct at the placement
  • A written report from the sponsor on the practicum project
  1. Application process

Your application must include the following:

  • A pdf of your most recent audit
  • Your CV
  • A one-page single-spaced statement answering the following questions:
    • Why do you want to do the practicum?
    • What are your particular interests in the field of speech-language pathology?
    • Are you currently volunteering or have you volunteered in the past in SLP? If so, where and for how long?
    • Do you have ideas for a potential supervisor at a sponsoring agency, and a particular project you might do with them? Be as specific as you can.

Please email your application to Lev Blumenfeld at with the subject line “LING 4604 application” by July 12, 2019.