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Browse our alumni profiles and spotlights below to learn more about what our graduates are up to and what you can do with a degree from the School of Linguistics and Language Studies.

Alumni in the News

Matthew Falconer

Matthew Falconer Publishes in Written Communication

Dr. Matthew Falconer (Adjunct Research Professor) published a new article in Written Communication’s July 2024 edition titled “The Discursive Boundary…

Rebekah Ingram Featured in Story About the Atlas of Kanyen’kehà:ka (Mohawk) Space

Dr. Rebekah Ingram was recently featured in a story about the Atlas of Kanyen’kehà:ka (Mohawk) Space, a project in collaboration…

Jacquie Ballantine

Jacquie Ballantine Featured in Carleton Newsroom Story

Jacquie Ballantine was recently featured in a Carleton Newsroom story about the upcoming fall convocation, which is taking place this…

Chris Smith against a backdrop of outer space

SLaLS Alumni Christopher Smith Published

A few month ago Christopher Smith published a paper titled, “Is this discursive Yentling? A critical study of an RCMP…

Where Alumni Work

Our graduates are well-placed for jobs across a variety of employment sectors. Graduates of our programs find opportunities in language education, government and business, NGOs, and emerging technologies, both in Canada and abroad.

ALDS Alumni

Alisa headshot

Alisa Zavialova (PhD ALDS/20)

  • Teacher Trainer, Departmental Coordinator
Amanda Juby in a parka with ice forming on her eyelids

Amanda Juby (MA ALDS/06)

  • Curriculum Developer
Ann Evers

Ann Evers (MA ALDS/06)

  • Test Development Manager

LING Alumni | Coming Soon!

Meet Some of Our Alumni

ALDS Alumni

Aman Khan in a suit and tie sitting at a desk

Aman Khan

  • Alum (MA ALDS/12)
Areej smiles for the camera

Areej Tayem

  • Alum (MA ALDS/20)

Brittany Botti-Amell

  • Alum (PhD ALDS/2023) | “Not all who want to, can, not all who can, will: Extending notions of unconventional doctoral dissertations.”
Chareena headshot

Chareena Lareza Quirante

  • Alum (PhD ALDS/24)