What are Networking Cards?

Networking cards are a great way to make a good first impression and make connections. They allow you to provide potential employers and networking contacts with your up-to-date contact information in a professional manner. They are great to have when attending a networking event, an information interview, or an impromptu meeting.

Making a Networking Card

  • The appearance of the card is important. It should balance professionalism and simplicity with artistic design elements.
  • Make sure not to include too much text. Instead include a URL or a QR code that connects to a Linkedin account, a blog, or an e-portfolio where more detailed information can be found.
  • What can be included:
    • Contact information: A professional email is required (one without any slang).
    • Career objective/summary: Your opportunity to highlight the contribution you can make to the employer. Explain how your academic background, employment experience, and skills make you an excellent candidate. Avoid using personal pronouns.
    • Education: Clearly indicate the title of your degree. You can even include some of the courses that you believe to be relevant to the particular industries or jobs you are seeking.
    • Work experience/skills section: You may choose to briefly outline targeted professional experiences, or some of your specialized skill sets that you will bring to the new industry and potential employers.
    • Note: Do not try to fit an entire resume onto a networking card.

Networking card sample