Why Should I Volunteer?

Explore career areas: Take the opportunity to explore different fields and workplaces.

Gain experience: Develop the essential skills employers want, such as communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills.

Strengthen your resume: Indicate to employers that you have specific skills. Relevant volunteer experience also implies you have initiative and commitment to your field or an organization.

Build professional contacts: Network with others and build your professional contact. Your colleagues or employer may be able to connect you to great opportunities.

Enhance your graduate school application: Graduate schools and professionals often look for more than just high grades. They are looking for well-rounded people with relevant experience.

Learn something about yourself and find your purpose: Learn more about yourself, your community, social or political issues and life. Volunteering can also help you identify your work values and environment preferences.

Use and develop your skills in a meaningful way: Many non-profit organizations rely on volunteers to help deliver their services. If you have a specific skill set, ie computer use or teaching skills, you can develop these skills while making a difference.

Improve your health and self-esteem: Volunteering and community involvement has been shown to reduce stress, give hope, boost self-esteem and professional confidence.