Disposal of Electronic Waste

Electronic waste (e-waste) is one of the biggest environmental challenges of our time. Like other countries around the world, Canada is grappling with the challenge of reducing levels of unsafe disposal and processing of e-waste and increasing levels of reuse, recycling and recovery.
Here at Carleton we offer an e-waste recycling program for all Carleton community members to recycle their computers, monitors and electronic accessories responsibly. In 2013, we diverted from landfill 19,000 kg of E-Waste.
Carleton’s E-Waste Recycling Program
Hardware Services operates the E-Waste Recycling Program and provide environmentally friendly and secure disposal of E-Waste free of charge. Campus community members (staff, faculty and students) can drop off their departmental e-waste at 1251 Herzberg, between 9.00 am – 3.30pm.
Departments may also contact Hardware Services to schedule a pick up. A representative will go to the location and assess the waste.
What is E-Waste and why should it be recycled?
E-Waste is otherwise known as electronic waste and includes old, broken or obsolete items such as computer monitors, keyboards, printers and projectors.
E-Waste is the fastest growing source of waste in North America. Landfilling e-waste is harmful to the environment because of substances such as cadmium, lead and nickel which can leach into the soil and water course. Recycling or reprocessing such waste eliminates the need for waste to landfill.
What happens to my E-Waste at Carleton?
As per the Desktop and Notebook Computer Equipment Policy, ITS must remove any data contained on all hardware. If not, then the hardware must be destroyed. This is done in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). The processed hardware is then sent to be recycled.
The organisation that collects Carleton University’s E-Waste abides the rules set out by the Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) program.
What items does Carleton accept as E-Waste?
If an item is not supported by the accepted E-Waste list, then please contact the FMP Service Centre who will be able to advice on additional disposal options.
E-Waste – Did you know?
Technology advances often mean that the newly purchased equipment can be obsolete within a few years (remember the VHS player?). As new electronic gadgets become more easily available, cheaper and more disposable, the problem of disposal becomes ever greater.
- At Carleton, 19,000 kg of E-Waste was diverted from landfill and directed to an OES recycler in 2013!
- E-Waste is the fastest growing source of waste in North America
- Only 11% of E-Waste globally is recycled
- E-Waste does not decompose