
Hollis Pierce, HuGS President, 2014-15

Over the past year (2014/2015) members of the undergraduate community of Carleton’s History Department have enjoyed an active year and successful year. Highlights organized by the Carleton History Undergraduate Society (HUgS) include: the annual History Department Book Sale, social pub nights, and a trip to the Museum of Nature for one of their monthly Nature Nocturne events, topped off by the 11th Annual Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium.

Carleton’s Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium was filled with excitement because of the announcement of the HUgS new executive members, which led to a great deal of anticipation for the 2015/2016 year. This was followed by fascinating presentations from a number of talented undergraduate students profiling their research on a variety of historical subjects. Presentations included pieces from a number of papers as well as student produced historical documentaries.

Over the coming year HUgS hopes to maintain and improve its involvement with the history undergraduate community. Despite having the majority of its executive moving on from their undergraduate careers, this aspiration will be achievable with the combination of a new experienced President in Peter Knowlton as well as a new young and enthusiastic executive coming to the fore.

Promising events for the coming year include HUgS’ annual jumpstart campaign and conclusion. The jumpstart is of course the annual Departmental Book Sale, which HUgS uses to create excitement around the community by making unwanted books of faculty members available at low prices. The conclusion is the most well known of the HUgS events and is the Underhill Colloquium. This colloquium always creates a buzz by placing a spotlight on the excellent work of undergraduate students from the year that has past.

In the coming school year HUgS is also hoping to take advantage of the great museums in the city. These include a possible return to one of the Nature Museum’s monthly Nature Nocturne nights. In addition, HUgS will aim to keep tight knit community close throughout the year by also putting on more regular pub nights and movie nights.

-Hollis Peirce