Vanessa Agnew, will present “Reenacting Genocide,” as part of the 2015 Shannon Lecture series, 1:30 PM, Friday, November 13, 2015, in the Multi-Media Lab, Discovery Centre, MacOdrum Library.

© Vanessa Agnew ‘Defending the Freedom to Teach the Armenian Genocide’
Dr Agnew will be speaking about teaching and research as re-enactment, focusing on her recent work on the Armenian Genocide.
Dr Vanessa Agnew teaches at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. She has authored Enlightenment Orpheus: The Power of Music in Other Worlds and co-edited, with Jonathan Lamb, Settler and Creole Re-Enactment. In 2004 she edited a special issue of the journal Criticism (46.3) on the topic of re-enactment. Her introduction to that volume, ‘What is Re-Enactment’, along with her 2007 article in Re-Thinking History (11.3), ‘History’s Affective Turn: Historical Reenactment and it’s Work in the Present’, have become essential reading for anyone interested in public history, memory, and reenactment.
Dr Agnew will be hosting a workshop for graduate students on Thursday, November 12, from 6-9 PM. Click here for more information on the workshop.
See here for further details on the entire 2015 Shannon Lecture series, “Performing History: Re-staging the Past.”