photo of japanese embassy

The Embassy of Japan in Ottawa recently opened a public exhibition of late nineteenth-century photographs taken by the Canadian missionary and educator John Cooper-Robinson depicting life in Meiji-Taishō Japan. As part of the exhibit Dr. Jacob Kovalio from Carleton’s Department of History will present a lecture, When Modern Japan Was Young: A Historical Journey through Meiji and Taishō, to add context to the photographs. The images are both poignant and intimate offering a window into the lives of Japanese people experiencing the profound political, institutional and socio-cultural changes of the period. In addition, Dr. Carol Payne, from Carleton Art History, will connect the images to the themes of how photography became a new way to experience the world and also how it acted as a medium for cultural exchange. Jill Cooper-Robinson, great-granddaughter of the photographer, will be on hand to offer insight into how this substantial collection survived and retell personal histories of her family.

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The exhibit is free and is on display at the Embassy of Japan, 255 Sussex Drive, Ottawa from January 30-February 14, 2016, 10:100am-4:00pm (Closed Feb. 9 12:30-1600and Feb 10, 10:00-13:30) For more information please visit or email

Dr. Kovalio’s Lecture: Thursday, February 4th, 6:30pm, Embassy of Japan, 255 Sussex Drive, Ottawa. Free admission but reservation is required. To reserve a seat please call: 613-244-6956.

Dr. Payne’s Lecture: Thursday, February 10th, 6:30pm, Embassy of Japan, 255 Sussex Drive, Ottawa. Free admission but reservation is required. To reserve a seat please call: 613-244-6956 or reserve online.