Below are upcoming events as well as announcements that may be of interest. (A bulletin will be sent out each week with upcoming events and announcements.) Departmental events are also posted on our website.


Now – December 2017

Carleton’s United Way Campaign

Carleton’s United Way Campaign creates a great opportunity for staff and faculty on campus to connect, network and raise funds for a great cause. 100% of the funds raised by our campaign are invested locally helping kids achieve their potential, moving people from poverty to possibility, and bringing people and resources together to build a strong, healthy, safe community for all residents of Ottawa.

Please join us in making this year’s campaign a success.

All events that have been confirmed to date will be posted to the Carleton United Way website at:


TOMORROW: December 7, 2017

Beyond Curating: The Redesign of the Canadian Museum of Science and Technology 

Kristy von Moos, a graduate of our MA in Public History discusses her work on the museum’s redesign. All Welcome.

A Carleton Centre for Public History Occasional Talk
Thursday 7 December 6-8pm History Lounge (433 Paterson)

December 8, 2017

Disability | Technology | Inclusion: A Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research, History Exhibits and Pedagogy

Please join us from Friday, December 8th – Sunday, December 10th for a symposium and workshop entitled “Disability | Technology | Inclusion”. This symposium seeks to draw researchers and teachers from across the university and beyond to discuss and workshop the ongoing work of Carleton University’s Disability Research Group (CUDRG).

The Sunday of the symposium may be of particular interest to the MDS community as we present Episode 6: Refugees, Disability & Technology in Transnational Postwar Canada, 1946-1953, and a Keynote presentation from Jay Dolmage, a scholar currently working on the rhetorical co-construction of categories of race and disability through turn-of-the-century immigration promotion and restriction.

The following is a direct link to the new episode for CUDRG’s Envisioning Technologies that we hope will serve as the beginning of a stand-a-lone exhibit on histories of disability and technology in transnational perspective. It is a work in progress that will be discussed at the symposium, and hopefully more will be added to the project.–disability-and-techn/an-unending-global-crisis

For more information and to register for this free event, click here.

December 8, 2017

Tuning in: Making the case for an ‘aural’ criminology

Thinking Global, Beyond Limits, Sponsored by Global and International Studies, Works-in-Progress Series

This paper makes the case for the development of an ‘aural criminology’ that examines how the sounds we hear (or fail to hear) shape our understandings and responses to crime, and the ways in which sounds are mobilized to govern specific populations, spaces, and things. This focus on sound and listening will open up new sites of inquiry and provide an alternative epistemological framework for studying a variety of topics. The paper begins with a brief overview of Sound Studies and discusses what criminology can gain

from adopting some of the key insights from this field. A number of examples of how an appreciation for sound and listening can contribute to existing bodies of criminological and socio-legal research are presented.

Friday December 8th 2017, Kroeger College Boardroom, (D199 Loeb Building)

12:00PM – 2:00PM

Lunch Provided On-site

To receive a copy of the paper, please register for the event via e-mail to:


January 18, 2018

The European Union and Russia: Where Now?
The Jean Monnet Chair in EU Relations with Russia and the Eastern Neighborhood (EUREAST), Carleton University, cordially invites you to the workshop “The European Union and Russia: Where Now?”.
During this half-day event, European, Russian, and Canadian experts will discuss the current state and future directions for relations between the European Union and Russia in the face of the ongoing Ukraine crisis and sanctions regimes.
The event will also highlight the launch of a newly published book, edited by Tom Casier and Joan DeBardeleben, EU-Russia Relations in Crisis: Understanding Diverging Perceptions (Routledge, 2018).
For updated information, please visit
When: Thursday, January 18, 2018
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: 608 Robertson Hall, Carleton University
Event contact: Idris Colakovic,



History Department Brown Bag Occasions

The History Department invites you to a series of Brown Bag Occasions taking place in our History Lounge (433 Paterson), starting at 12:30. Bring your lunch and join us for any of the following talks:

March 15-17, 2018

Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium

The Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium is one of the longest running history graduate conferences in Canada. In March 2018, the Department of History, Carleton University, will be hosting the 24th Annual Colloquium. This year’s theme, “Storying Our Pasts: Historical Narrative and Representations” highlights historical output and means of storytelling. We hope to draw on different methodologies in a self-reflexive dialogue about how historians present and share their research.


Carleton – United Way Payroll Deductions Now Open

Payroll deduction is the easiest way to donate to the United Way, you can choose any amount you wish, and they are tax-deductible. Set it up once and then forget about it! You can find instructions here along with FAQs and contact information:

Did you know that you can even use the United Way campaign to donate to another registered Canadian charity? So if you contribute to both a United Way program and a charity of your choice, you can now do it all in one place! When making your donation, just specify which charity you want to help using their name and registered CRA number (e.g. “Ottawa Humane Society” 123264715 RR0001). All you have to do next is specify how much you’re donating to which cause.

Provost Scholars Award — Call for Nominations

We are looking for outstanding undergraduate students to nominate for the Provost Scholar Award. The award is given to students who have excelled in at least two of the following four areas:

  • undergraduate research
  • community engagement
  • internationalization; and/or
  • immersive learning (working on a ‘real world’ problem with a multi-disciplinary team)

There will be up to two $1000 awards per faculty. The students, their nominators and family members will be invited to an event in the Spring where the students will be presented with their awards.

If you have a student who would be a strong candidate, we would ask that you write a brief letter of recommendation that emphasizes at least two of the above criteria.

Could you please submit your letters to Michel Hogue by January 19, 2018. I will collect and forward them. It would be very nice to for our students to receive this recognition.

The fine print:

  • Although there can be a broad interpretation of these four categories, the student’s work must be linked to their studies at Carleton.
  • Nominated students must be registered in an undergraduate program during the 2017-18 academic year.
  • Although the focus is on individuals, nominations of groups or teams of undergraduate students will be considered, with the award money being shared equally between the group members.
  • Final judging of the submissions will be done by the Provost in consultation with the Vice-President (Students and Enrolment), the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic), and the Director of the Discovery Centre.


Donations Needed for Food Drive

With the holiday season upon us, the GSA is organizing a Food Drive to support the Ottawa Food Bank. We are accepting non-perishable food items of all kinds. Even the smallest donation goes a long way in helping those facing hunger and we would be grateful for anything you can spare.

Donations are accepted till Wednesday the 13th of December and can be dropped off at the Graduate Students’ Association’s front desk on 6th floor of the University Centre (UC 600) or Mike’s Place on the 2nd floor of the University Centre. All donations will then be delivered to the Ottawa Food Bank in St-Laurent.

Hunger is closer than we think and we are proud to be a small part of the solution by supporting the Ottawa Food Bank by hosting this food drive. Thank you for all the support! I would greatly appreciate it if you are able to forward this email within your respective departments.,


Now Accepting Library Reserve Requests for Winter 2018 Term from Instructors

MacOdrum Library is now accepting library reserve requests for the upcoming academic term. Send your course outline or reading list to and the readings will be entered into Ares, the course reserve management system.

The reserves staff will retrieve, scan, and process all readings and will also ensure all e-reserve material comply with current copyright guidelines. Students will be able to access their electronic readings through cuLearn.

Questions? Please visit the Library Reserves website for more information, or, contact the library reserves staff at 613.520.2600 x 2533 or

Important Message about Scantron Processing in December for Instructors

Exam season has arrived at Carleton, which means there will be a large volume of Scantrons that require processing at the EDC. Instructors using Scantrons are asked to drop off their sheets to the EDC main office (410 Dunton Tower) as soon as possible after their exam is done. This is to ensure that they are processed in a timely manner. Our regular office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday. However, in an effort to provide instructors with more flexibility for drop-offs, we will be extending our hours during the last week of exams. We will be open from 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. from Dec. 18-22.

Please note that all Scantrons must be dropped off no later than 6 p.m. on the 22nd to ensure that the exams are processed before the break. Otherwise, exams will be processed starting on Jan. 2. For instructors who have exams on the afternoon of December 22, we will follow up with more information for you shortly.

Reminder: In order to expedite the drop off process, please ensure the answer sheets are stacked face up with timing tracks on the left-hand side and a correctly completed key on top. Also, please ensure that you have a completed the Scantron Scanning Request Form with an accurate count of the number of exam sheets you are submitting for grading.

Now accepting applications for our summer 2018 field school, the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program

Now in its 20th year, with alumni from over 170 colleges and universities worldwide, SGPS is dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage. They offer students the opportunity to study and travel in Italy where they acquire hands-on experience in preservation and restoration.

To find out more about the program and review the syllabi, please visit the WEBSITE.

The courses are open to students from various disciplines, both undergraduate and graduate. All lessons are taught in English.

Spaces Available in Holocaust Responses Course RELI 4850B/5850X

Are you looking for an engaging 4th year Seminar or MA Seminar? There are still spaces available in Holocaust Responses offered Winter 2018.
For more information please email us at or or call 613-520-2600 x 1320.