Flour Enrichment Debates in Canada; Screening of HIST 4302 documentaries; Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium; 2017 Achievement Awards; National Capital History Day; Under the Influence; …

Below are events taking place soon as well as announcements that may be of interest. (An emailed bulletin is sent out each Wednesday with upcoming events and announcements. To sign up, please send an email to tanya.schwartz@carleton.ca or history@carleton.ca.) Departmental events are also posted on our website.



April 4, 2017

Nature’s Bread: The Flour Enrichment Debates in Canada, 1940-49

The School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies is hosting a brown-bag research talk by Professor Brian Payne on April 4, 2017 from 12:30-2pm in Dunton Tower 1212.

Prof. Payne will be presenting on his current project, “Nature’s Bread: The Flour Enrichment Debates in Canada, 1940-49.”

Brian Payne is an Associate Professor of History at Bridgewater State University and currently holds a Fullbright Visiting Research Chair in North American Integration at the Centre for North American Politics and Society at Carleton University.


April 5, 2017

Annual Screening of HIST 4302 documentaries
The students of HIST 4302 – “Canada: Ideas & Culture – Making Documentary History”, will be presenting their final documentaries on April 5th, 2017. It will take place at 7:00pm in room 100 of St. Patrick’s. After the screening there will be a reception with refreshments, sponsored by the History Department.


April 7, 2017

Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium
Please join us in the Department of History at the 13th Annual Undergraduate Colloquium from 1:30-3:00pm in the History Lounge (433 PA).
We will be showcasing student documentaries, digital projects, and awarding prizes for the best essays and articles published on Making History Matter. There will be a reception for faculty and students after the event.

RSVP at https://cu-history-undergrad-underhill2017.eventbrite.ca


April 18, 2017

2017 Achievement Awards

Peter Ricketts, Provost and Vice-President (Academic) and Rafik Goubran, Acting Vice-President (Research and International) invite you to celebrate the achievements of your colleagues at the 2017 Achievement Awards

Tuesday, April 18, 2017
3:00 to 4:30 pm
Rooms 2220-2224-2228 Richcraft Building

RSVP to: http://doodle.com/poll/w93egdbg3gfrshic

3:00 – 3:30 Wine and Cheese Reception / 3:30 – 4:30 Award Presentations

April 21, 2017

National Capital History Day
Carleton University is pleased to again be hosting National Capital History Day.
Every year National Capital History Day frames students’ research within a historical theme. The theme is chosen for the broad application to world, national or local history and its relevance to ancient history or to the more recent past. For 2016-2017, the theme will be Taking a Stand in History, allowing students to explore those individuals and groups who have taken risks and taken a stand in political, social, religious, military, economic, intellectual, or artistic spheres.
More details to be posted as they are released.


May 5-6, 2017

28th Canadian Military History Colloquium

Hosted by the Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic and Disarmament Studies, the 28th Canadian Military History Colloquium will be held at Wilfrid Laurier University from 5-6 May, 2017.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Tim Cook, Canadian War Museum
  • Holger Herwig, University of Calgary
  • Gary Sheffield, University of Wolverhampton

For general updates on the conference, panels, and accommodations, check the colloquium site HERE.

If you have any questions, contact us at conference@canadianmilitaryhistory.ca.


May 8, 2017

Under the Influence: How Labatt and its Allies Brewed up a Nation of Canadian Beer Drinkers
LifeLong Learning Markham is a volunteer, not for profit organization dedicated to providing intellectually stimulating and thought provoking lectures for adults in the Markham area. The goal is to provide a series of 5-6 lectures on a wide variety of topics in both the Spring and Fall of each year. Lectures will be given by university professors, authors, medical experts and people who are acknowledged leaders in their field. Lectures will be held on Monday mornings at the Angus Glen Golf Club on Kennedy Road.

Because 2017 is Canada’s 150th Birthday, the Spring Lecture series focuses on Canada. Professor Matthew Bellamy will be speaking on May 8, 2017: “Under the Influence: How Labatt and its Allies Brewed up a Nation of Canadian Beer Drinkers”.

The full list of speakers as well as information on registration and ticket sales is available online.

May 24-26, 2017

Marx’s Capital after 150 Years:  Critique and Alternative to Capitalism Conference

The conference which will be held at York University from May 24-26, 2017 and will play host to a number of speakers including:  Immanuel Wallerstein, Saskia Sassen, Etienne Balibar, Himani Bannerji, Marcello Musto and many more. Everyone is welcome.  Admission is free.

For more information on the Conference, including the conference program, please visit:  http://www.marxcollegium.org/

July 17-22, 2017

Historical Thinking Summer Institute
The Historical Thinking Summer Institute is designed for teachers, curriculum developers, professional development leaders, historians, museum educators and curators who want to enhance their expertise at designing history programs, courses, units, lessons, projects, or educational resources that explicitly focus on historical thinking.

Attendees of the 2017 Historical Thinking Summer Institute will participate in a variety of activities including presentations and workshops, learning activities at the Canadian Museum of History and the Canadian War Museum, discussions of readings, guest

lectures, and group work to explore six historical thinking concepts: evidence, significance, continuity & change, cause & consequence, perspective-taking, and the ethical dimension of history. See attached flyer for more details.


Summer Travel Research Awards

The Eberly Family Special Collection Library at Penn State is now accepting applications for their annual Summer Travel Research Awards.  Awards are given in five categories to qualified recipients, who apply by April 15th, 2017.  More information on the categories of awards, qualifying factors, and application instructions can be found here and in the attached flyer.