Crisis of Praxis: Leftist Fragmentation in Brazil; Historical Thinking Summer Institute; Student Internships; …

Below are events taking place soon as well as announcements that may be of interest. (A bulletin will now be sent out each week with upcoming events and announcements.) Departmental events are also posted on our website.


June 15, 2017

Crisis of Praxis: Leftist Fragmentation in Brazil
Join in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology next Thursday, June 15th starting at 3pm in LA A715 for a talk by Sabrina Fernandes. Sociology and Anthropology Emerging Scholars Colloquium in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology provides an opportunity to showcase, for the Carleton community, the cutting edge, recently completed research of graduate students.

For more information contact

July 17-22, 2017

Historical Thinking Summer Institute
The Historical Thinking Summer Institute is designed for teachers, curriculum developers, professional development leaders, historians, museum educators and curators who want to enhance their expertise at designing history programs, courses, units, lessons, projects, or educational resources that explicitly focus on historical thinking.

Attendees of the 2017 Historical Thinking Summer Institute will participate in a variety of activities including presentations and workshops, learning activities at the Canadian Museum of History and the Canadian War Museum, discussions of readings, guest

lectures, and group work to explore six historical thinking concepts: evidence, significance, continuity & change, cause & consequence, perspective-taking, and the ethical dimension of history. For more information visit


Student Internships
Developing Future Leaders Program, Carleton University Zelikovitz Centre

The Developing Future Leaders Program funds student interns to develop leadership skill through work placements in Partner Agencies in the Jewish Community. Develop your leadership skills and gain valuable work experience through DFL paid internships. Applicants must possess a basic knowledge of Judaism.

Apply now for Fall internships at Applications will be accepted until June 30th. For more information, email