Postcolonial Studies Group; From Reformation to Globalization; Innovation and Adaptation; I don’t Know Where Paradise Is; Shannon Lecture Series 2017;  Brown Bag Occasions;…

Below are upcoming events as well as announcements that may be of interest. (A bulletin will be sent out each week with upcoming events and announcements.) Departmental events are also posted on our website.


October 5, 2017

Postcolonial/decolonial studies reading group

Thursday, October 5th, 6:30 PM, Dunton 1212.

The first gathering of the reading group will address two essays by Achille Mbembe:

  • “Necropolitics” from Public Culture, Volume 15, Number 1, 2003, pp. 11-40.
  • “The Subject of Race,” Chapter 1 from The Critique of Black Reason, Duke University Press, 2017.

The reason for these selections is to begin a reflection on the possibility of thinking across seemingly separated struggles in order to develop a greater understanding of their relationality. Mbembe’s reflections on Blackness and Modernity give us a powerful and expansive starting point from which to enter the type of reflection we are proposing. From these readings  we can decide where to go in our next gathering according to the needs of participants.

Snacks and refreshments will be served. For further information and to RSVP, please contact William Felepchuk or Cristina Rojas CristinaRojas@Cunet.Carleton.Ca

October 5-7, 2017

From Reformation to Globalization in Canada, Germany, and the World

The year 2017  marks the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s supposed posting of his 95 Theses as a signal event of the Protestant Reformation, as well as celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Dominion of Canada. This dual anniversary will be celebrated with an exhibition of Reformation library treasures and an academic conference.

The exhibition “The Reformation – Translation and Transmission: Library Treasures from Germany and Canada” will provide a unique illustration of the worldwide impact of the Reformation by bringing together original editions and translations of Martin Luther’s works and other key Reformation texts from the Gotha Research Library and Saint Paul University.

In conjunction with the exhibition, the academic symposium “From Reformation to Globalization in Canada, Germany, and the World” will explore the many forms of impact that the Reformation has had and continues to have on many aspects of religion, politics, society and culture in Canada, Germany, and in the wider world. This Conference is jointly organized by Saint Paul University, the University of Ottawa, the University of Erfurt, and with support from the National Library and Archives of Canada, the Gotha Research Library, and the Embassy of Germany in Canada.

To REGISTER or for more INFORMATION, Click here


October 10, 2017

Innovation and Adaptation: Prime Ministers, Ministers & Bureaucrats Confront the Middle East, 1968-84

The Ottawa Historical Association Presents a Lecture “Innovation and Adaptation: Prime Ministers, Ministers & Bureaucrats Confront the Middle East, 1968-84” with Greg Donaghy and Mary Halloran of the Historical Section of Global Affairs Canada.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 7:00 pm

Library and Archives Canada

395 Wellington Street, 2nd Floor

Presentation in English. This lecture is FREE and all are welcome. Please register on the First Floor in front of the Commissionaire’s Desk

October 12, 2017

I don’t know where paradise is. An artist talk with Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay

The event will begin with Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay’s performance lecture The Five Ages, a floral archaeology that explores the symbolic relationships between human history and plant life, specifically within the context of a queer aesthetics. Nemerofsky selects five flowers to symbolize distinct moments in the history of El Dorado, referencing both its incarnation as interwar Berlin nightclub and early 80s art exhibition, as well as its general application as a legendary, faraway site of utopian longing. The flowers stand in a ceramic vase designed by the artist to provide each flower with its own distinct opening. The artist arranges the flowers to interact contrapuntally, creating a bouquet of colliding and overlapping temporalities. The performance will be followed by a conversation between the artist and History’s Jennifer Evans.


Fall 2017

Shannon Lecture Series for 2017

The History Department’s Shannon Lecture Series for 2017, will commence on September 22, 2017. This year’s lecture series looks at Expo 67 as the highlight of Canada’s centennial. A world’s fair held in Montreal, it dazzled the world with its daring architecture, innovative exhibits, and high-minded theme, “Man and His World.” Many Canadians regarded it as Canada’s coming-out party, a moment when the young nation burst into the international limelight and strutted its stuff to universal acclaim. Substitute “Quebec” or “Indigenous Peoples” for “Canada” in the previous sentence and it would be equally true – Expo 67 was a rich, multivalent spectacle that generated diverse messages. In Canada’s 150th anniversary year, the Carleton Department of History is revisiting Expo 67 to reflect upon the meaning of it all. A select group of lecturers will address key topics such as Expo’s intellectual origins, how it became a proud emblem of modernization for both Canadian and Quebec nationalists, its impact on Indigenous rights and culture, and its iconic stature in the histories of architecture and cinema. X out the dates in your calendar to experience exposition by Expo experts that will expand your mind exponentially. Visit the Shannon Lectures website for more information or click the upcoming individual event listings below.


October 14, 2017

Somali Studies in Canada: Resilience and Resistance

Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

Saturday, October 14th, 2017, Dunton Tower 2017.

Since the early 1990s, Somalis have been a growing and flourishing presence in Canada and other nations in the Global North. This multidisciplinary day-long colloquium, supported by community partners and the Migration and Diaspora Studies (MDS) Initiative at Carleton University, will showcase

critical academic and artistic reflections on the global Somali presence. The colloquium will particularly reflect on the resilience and the diversity in the experiences of Somali migrants and subsequent generations in Canada and beyond. Particular attention will be given to the politics and poetics of Somali

diasporic communities, their location at the intersection of multiple identities/oppressions (Blackness and antiblackness, colonialism and coloniality, Islam and Islamophobia, refugee/new immigrant identities and xenophobia, and more), and the relationship of Somalis to other communities of colour, such as Indigenous nations and other black diasporic communities.

For more information, please contact: Dr. Nimo Bokore, Faculty of Social Work & Migration and Diaspora Studies Initiative (, or William Felepchuk, PhD Student, School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies & Migration and Diaspora Studies Initiative (

October 14, 2017

3rd Annual Institute of African Studies Undergraduate Research Conference

Ottawa, Canada

Theme: Migrations and Human Rights in Africa and the Diaspora: Vulnerability, Social Justice, and New Nationalisms

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Okey Ndibe, author of Foreign Gods Inc.

This year’s conference seeks to encourage interdisciplinary engagement with a new generation of continental and diasporic Africans confronting questions such as: How are global and intra-continental migration patterns impacting the continent and its diasporas? What can be learned from migrant’s individual agency and what tools do they use to actualize justice and social change? How have the rise of New Nationalisms and a global politics of fear shaped the migrant experience? What does the securitization and militarization of the border mean for fabricated national boundaries on the continent? In a time of increasing consequences of climate change, terrorist regimes, and refugees flow, how do we realize a vision of mobility as a human right? This conference encourages students not to simply regurgitate information obtained from a variety of sources, but also to bring forth new and innovative ideas, be it problem solving or avenues for further research.

November 2-4, 2017

Canadian premiere of the musical Sir John A. Macdonald

Maple Leaf Theatre Productions is presenting the Canadian premiere of the musical Sir John A. Macdonald at Centrepointe Theatre on November 2nd, 3rd, and 4th as one of the official Ottawa 2017 events celebrating Confederation.

Centrepointe Theatre has established a student price of $20.

Students can order tickets easily either online at, by phoning the box office at 613 580 2700 or of course directly at the box  office.



History Department Brown Bag Occasions

The History Department invites you to a series of Brown Bag Occasions taking place in our History Lounge (433 Paterson), starting at 12:30. Bring your lunch and join us for any of the following talks:


November 21, 2017

Between Hostility and Cosmopolitanism: Somali migrant women in Nairobi and Johannesburg

Nereida Ripero-Muñiz, PhD

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 

Tuesday, November 21, 2:30 pm, Paterson 433 (the History Lounge), Carleton University

Nereida Ripero-Muñiz is a lecturer and researcher from Spain based at the University of the Witwatersrand. She started researching the Somali community in Nairobi in 2007. In 2016, she was awarded a PhD by the University of the Witwatersrand. Her doctoral thesis investigated identity construction among Somali women living in Nairobi and Johannesburg. Her current research focuses on the transnational cultural links of the global Somali diaspora. She also was the researcher behind the collaborative photography project “Metropolitan Nomads: A Journey Through Johannesburg’s Little Mogadishu” currently on display on the 4th Floor of Paterson Hall.



Binders and File Folders to Give Away

The department has received a stack of used binders and legal size file folders to give away. If you are interested, please come and pick them up from the main office in 400 Paterson. First come first served.

Call for Submissions

Each year, The Mirror publishes undergraduate essays covering a wide range of historical topics, as well as historiographies and book reviews. They are now accepting submissions for the 38th edition of the journal. The overall quality of essays submitted, along with the number of submissions, increases each year. As such, having a paper published in The Mirror is a considerable accomplishment. Publication is an excellent opportunity to have your work read by members of Canada’s historical community, and The Mirror is archived in the National Library and Archives in Ottawa.

Submissions should be 12-25 pages in length and must include a correctly sourced bibliography. All papers must also have been written for an undergraduate history or history-based course at the second year level or above, and must have received a grade of at least 80% (an ‘A’) to be considered for publication. Please note that all papers will be returned after the selection and/or editing process, regardless of whether or not your essay is chosen for publication. All authors are limited to, but encouraged to submit, a maximum of three papers for consideration, and must also provide their contact information (name, email address, and telephone number).

Electronic copies of essays can be sent to The deadline for submitting essays is 7:00 PM on Friday, November 3, 2017, and late submissions will not be accepted. Publication decisions will be made by the end of the month of November, and all authors, regardless of the end result, will be notified as soon as these decisions are made.

All questions can be directed to Anita Osmani at


Call for Student Volunteers

The Carleton Sexual Assault Peer Support Line is looking to recruit more volunteers to help run their peer helpline for this school year. Students who are accepted as volunteers will receive a CCR credit at the end of year.
They are planning on having their training sometime before the end of October, and are looking for students across all departments and majors who would be interested.
Here is the link to the application:

Questions can be directed to Emily Minor at

Call for Proposals: An International Workshop on Post-Orientalism

Organized by Maurice Jr. Labelle (University of Saskatchewan) and hosted by the L.R. Wilson Institute for Canadian History at McMaster University, this workshop seeks to unite scholars from Canada and around the world to critically reflect upon both the origins and travels of Orientalism, as well as their places in various parts of world (including—but not limited to—Canada) and their relations to decolonization. In the spirit of Orientalism’s 40th anniversary, the ensuing conversation between different times, sites, approaches, and faces aims to historicize post-Orientalism and expand its current conceptual scope in innovative ways. The symposium’s goal is to publish selected papers in an edited volume for the L.R. Wilson Rethinking Canada in the World Series with McGill-Queen’s University Press.

We welcome proposals of 250 words by 1 November 2017. The Wilson Institute will provide assistance toward lodging and travel re-imbursement for all speakers, pending a successful SSHRC Connections Grant application.

Applicants should submit their proposals and a one-page CV to the L. R. Wilson Institute for Canadian History, with the subject line “Post-Orientalism,” to:

If you have any questions, please contact Maurice Labelle,