The Department of History is pleased to welcome two visiting scholars to the department this spring, who will be visiting as guests of the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History. Professor and departmental Chair Dominique Marshall will be acting as host during their stay and would be happy to facilitate any introductions.

Throughout the year, the Department hosts many visiting scholars and student researchers from all over the world. These accomplished visitors contribute to the Department in a variety of ways, including through knowledge transfer and collaborative partnerships, and by increasing the Department’s own international research reputation.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Kevin O’Sullivan and Dr. Valérie Gorin. Faculty members and graduate students interested in meeting with them during their stay can either contact them directly or contact Prof. Marshall.


About Dr. Kevin O’Sullivan

Kevin O’Sullivan headshotDr Kevin O’Sullivan is a lecturer in History at the National University of Ireland, Galway, who is currently writing a book titled The NGO Moment: The Globalisation of Humanitarianism, 1968-85. This project examines the social, cultural and political phenomena that shaped the rapid expansion of the global NGO community, drawing on case studies from Britain, Canada and Ireland, as well as archives of governments and international organisations (EU, OECD and World Bank).

Dr. O’Sullivan’s main research and teaching interests are in international history, especially the areas of empire, globalization, and NGOs. He is particularly interested in how Western attitudes towards the global South changed in an era of decolonization.

Please join us on March 6, from 1:00-3:00 pm when Dr. O’Sullivan will run a workshop discussing his work. More details will be available on the History Department’s website closer to the event date.

Dr. O’Sullivan can be reached at

About Dr. Valérie Gorin

Valérie Gorin headshotDr. Valérie Gorin is a Senior Lecturer and researcher at the University of Lausanne as well as the Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action (CERAH), a joint center of the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute. She was working until 2017 on an Swiss National Foundation project entitled “The spectacle of the revolution. History of the commemorations of the 1917 October Russian revolution.”

Dr. Gorin’s areas of research are related to the visual culture of humanitarianism, the history of communication and humanitarian action and to the evolution and uses of photojournalism in modern times. She is currently doing research on virtual reality in humanitarian appeals, and on the link between (eye) witnessing and advocacy strategies in humanitarian settings.

As a visiting scholar, Dr. Gorin hopes to share reflections on methodological and historical approaches to visual culture. In the long term, she would like to gather a group of researchers interested in “visual humanitarianism” who would bring a diversity of approaches to iconographic archives of humanitarian agencies.

Dr. Gorin will visit the department from May 27-June 9 as she conducts research on the history of humanitarianism and visual culture to develop a full project.

Dr. Gorin can be reached at