Below are a few production photos from a studio session on March 20, 2019 at Carleton’s Media Production Centre (MPC). Thank you to Michael Ostroff, film maker and course instructor, for this behind the scenes look at one of the four student documentaries being produced as part of the course work for HIST 4302: Making Documentary History.

All films will be available for viewing on April 2nd at our annual film screening. For more details on the screening and how to RSVP, please visit the event website.

four people standing in a studio with a table in front of them and an alarm clock

Liam Meek (L) and Alina Faulds (R) prepare a studio shot for their Hist 4302 production – A Cold Night – the story of a jet fighter that crashed into a nunnery outside Orleans in 1956; with MPC staff Hasi Eldib (background) and Greg Allison (foreground)

four people standing around a bed frame with a tv monitor in the background

Liam Meek (L) and Alina Faulds (background) prepare a studio shot of a nun’s room for their Hist 4302 production – A Cold Night – the story of a jet fighter that crashed into a nunnery outside Orleans in 1956; with MPC staff Hasi Eldib (R) and Greg Allison (midframe)