The 2022 spring series of “Doing Refugee History” will launch on Wednesday, April 20, with a session titled “Archives, case files, interpreters” with the following papers and presentations:

Sara Cosemans (KU Leuven)
Mining the UNHCR archives: digital methods of doing refugee history

Antoine Burgard (University of Manchester)
‘On the Case’: methodological and ethical challenges of using casefiles as sources for refugee history

Maxime Marechal (Université Paris Cité)
Silenced interpreters: methodological and epistemological issues for a socio-history of language interpreting in the French asylum procedure

Sign up for the April 20 session here:

Sessions are based on short (c.2000-word) pre-circulated papers, which will be made available to registered participants at least a week ahead of time. All seminars will take place online, starting at 9 am EST.

For more informaiton, and to register for pre-circulated papers, please go to: