Recent News Friday, February 21, 2025Jean-Michel Turcotte has published a new articleAdjunct Research Professor Jean-Michel Turcotte has published a new article in the Journal of Military History, “Between Frustration and Success: The Canadian Military Experience on the International Commission of Control and Supervision in Vietnam, 1973.” Abstract From January to July 1973, Canada participated in the International Commission... MoreThursday, February 13, 2025Jennifer Evans announces new book series on Queer and Trans HistoriesJennifer Evans is pleased to announce a new book series with Manchester University Press on Queer and Trans Histories. She is excited to work with fellow series editors Matt Cook (Oxford) and Patricio Simonetto (Leeds) and the excellent advisory board to bring new and important work into the world. The Queer and Trans Histories series aims... MoreThursday, February 13, 2025Congratulations to Professor Shawn Graham for winning a Teaching Achievement Award!Congratulations to Professor Shawn Graham for winning a Teaching Achievement Award! The Teaching Achievement Awards are intended to enhance the teaching of their recipients and the quality of instruction at Carleton. Shawn Graham History Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences The Digital Humanities Primer Shawn’s project proposes an interactive... MoreMonday, February 10, 2025Jennifer Evans Featured in Oxford University’s Mansfield MagazineJennifer Evans was featured in an article in Oxford University's 2023-24 Mansfield Magazine. The essay, written by Eliott Johnson (MPhil Politics and Political Theory, 2022), takes up her recent book The Queer Art of History: Queer Kinship after Fascism (Duke UP, 2023) which won the 2023 GSA Best Book in Literature and Cultural Studies.... MoreFriday, February 7, 2025New Book by Sonya Lipsett-RiveraCongratulations to History Professor Sonya Lipsett-Rivera who has a new book published: A Cultural History of Love in the Age of Empire, edited by Sonya Lipsett-Rivera, Volume 5 in the Cultural History of Love, published by Bloomsbury. Drawing upon both visual and textual sources, A Cultural History of Love in the Age of Empire presents... MoreLoad More → Upcoming Events Want to learn more about History events, announcements, and opportunities? Sign up for our newsletter! Mar28 Men of Steel: Rediscovering Canada’s Great War Black Combatants 1:00 PM Mar31 The Soviet Red Cross in 1950s-60s India 1:00 PM Apr03 A Special Screening: “GOEBBELS and the FÜHRER” 6:00 PM — 9:00 PM Load More → Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: