Make History With Us!



The study of history allows us to recognize and understand the complex issues that shaped the contemporary world. We offers courses in African, American, Asian, Canadian, Caribbean, European, Latin American and South Asian history. Some courses trace the history of social, political and cultural change of a region or period. Others are thematic and may examine women’s history, the histories of science, sexuality, food and drink, or slavery. In the Public History concentration, Honours students explore how history appears in our everyday lives, not just in museums and monuments, but also in movies, reality television, video games, music and the stories families and communities pass from one generation to the next. Our graduates have gone on to careers in museums, heritage conservation, the public service, media and the arts, education, and business.

In first year, history students may choose a small seminar class or a larger lecture course with a tutorial group. Both formats foster debate and discussion. All history courses encourage student research which may draw on the rich array of libraries and archives in the national capital, including Carleton’s own valuable collections and resources. Students can take a practicum in the third year to take their learning out into the world.

Carleton’s History program has helped me to become a dynamic student and to gain a variety of experiences that add to my career, academic and personal development. This includes a co-op work term with the Department of National Defence, as well as a research assistantship investigating the histories of food and identity in diasporic communities. I’ve gained an abundance of transferable skills, including effective communication, critical reasoning and problem-solving.

Aaliyah Strachan, History and African Studies student

Carleton is committed to studying the past in innovative ways. In your courses, you might record a podcast, create a documentary film, digitize a medieval manuscript, design an interactive online map, interview a veteran, write a briefing note, immerse yourself in a soldier’s diary or intern at a museum. Or perhaps you will come up with your own way of telling the story of the past! Explore the amazing research of past students in the department at our Graduate Degree Research Showcase!

