Photo of Brittany Long

Brittany Long

Degrees:Master of Arts in History


Photographing the Feminine: Aufseherinnen in Holocaust Photography and Popular Culture, 1944-2018


Jennifer Evans

What is your favourite thing about the program?

My favourite thing about the program was the support I received from my supervisor and professors in pursuing my individual research. Every course encouraged completing work that would benefit my thesis in the long run.

What will you miss the most?

My supervisor.

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

Performative Acts and Gender Constitution by Judith Butler

What’s next for you?

Working back home in Fredericton NB. I want to work on my genealogy back home and use it to conduct a social micro history of New Brunswick and the Maritimes.

I also plan to start a blog that will allow those outside academia to access current discussions and trends within historical discourse.