David Webster
Adjunct Research Professor
History professor at Bishop’s University in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Past positions in Toronto, San Francisco and Regina, Saskatchewan. Author of Fire and the Full Moon: Canada and Indonesia in a Decolonizing World (UBC Press, 2009) and Challenge the Strong Wind: Canada and East Timor 1975-99 (UBC Press, 2020). Editor of Flowers in the Wall: Truth and Reconciliation in Timor-Leste, Indonesia and Melanesia (U of Calgary Press, 2019); collection editor of East Timor: Testimony (Between the Lines, 2004). Human rights advocacy on Timor-Leste and other regions bordering the Pacific. Research focuses include trans-Pacific interactions between Canada and Asia, the diplomacy of independence movements in Asia, and the histories of international organizations.
Adjunct research professor, Carleton University | Fellow, Canadian Foreign Policy Institute | Senior Fellow, Graham Centre for Contemporary International History, University of Toronto | Associate, Wilson Institute for Canadian History, McMaster University | International Advisory Council member, Centro Nacional Chega!, Timor-Leste
Contact at dwebster@ubishops.ca
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