Photo of Eli Cohen

Eli Cohen

Degrees:Master of Arts in History (November 2020)

Research Essay:

Food, Memory, and Identity in the Canadian Jewish Cultural Context


Paul Litt and Rod Phillips

What is your favourite thing about the program?

From day one it was apparent that graduate students at Carleton have the absolute support of the department and fellow students. Discussions both in seminars and casual conversation are intelligent, lively, respectful, friendly, and more often than not a whole lot of fun. I also have to mention the frequency with which fantastic catering leftovers seemed to turn up in the department’s kitchen, it was always great for morale.

What will you miss the most?

Spending time in the department, talking with fellow students about their research and coming away with perspectives that you might never have considered yourself. The variety and creativity of research projects really was inspiring.

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

It is really quite hard to say since just about all of the readings we did inspired some great discussions. If I had to choose though I would say that the collection of readings for the “Thinking with Things” seminar in HIST 5003 particularly resonated with me, especially Writing Material Culture History (2015) edited by Anne Gerritson and Giorgio Riello.

What’s next for you?

I’ll be staying in Ottawa for the time being with the hopes of finding a position in the museum world where I can help share my passion for history with the public.