Marissa Foley

Degrees:Master of Arts in Public History with Specialization in Digital Humanities (June 2020)

Research Essay:

Reclaiming Jamesville: Place Memories and Gentrification in Hamilton, Ontario

(a reflective essay, podcast episodes, and script)


John Walsh

What is your favourite thing about the program?

The space for creativity and reaching beyond a traditional essay in much of my coursework and MRE was my favourite thing about the program. It allowed me to create and contribute to websites, podcasts, story maps, and even a card game!

What will you miss the most?

I’ll miss all of the friendly faces on the fourth floor of Paterson Hall most, especially those of my cohort, professors, and Joan.

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

Professor Opp’s course in “Photography and Public History” introduced me to a handful of my favourite readings, like Carol Payne’s “The Official Picture” and Roland Barthes’ “Camera Lucida.” However, Foucault’s “Discipline and Punishment” discussed in Professor Paul Nelles’ “Historical Theory and Methods” course is a staple that I continue to return to.