Richard Duthie
Degrees: | Doctor of Philosophy in History (June 2021) |
Email: | rickduthie@cmail.carleton.ca |
‘One Day Stronger’: A Public History Theatrical Experiment about Remembered Sudbury Strikes, 1958-2010
(thesis and performance script)
David Dean and John Walsh
What is your favourite thing about the program?
I was able to study, create and curate my own very unique project from within this history department at Carleton. It was an environment where my efforts were supported and greeted with enthusiasm. I also feel very fortunate to have worked alongside, while also drawing inspiration from my fellow grad students as well as faculty members. Their ideas, passion and work were crucial to my overall experience in the department. This was the perfect place for me and I feel very fortunate to have studied here.
What will you miss the most?
The people. Full stop. Very kind, talented, passionate and generous. Faculty, staff and fellow grad students in the history department and at Carleton in general, really made my experience one that I will always cherish as I move on to my next adventure.
On a side note I will also forever miss that train ride coming right in to campus. For some reason that journey felt special every time…
What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?
“Culture is Ordinary (1958).” By Raymond Williams. It was just one article (of many), but the discussion in our seminar class was pretty special if I’m recalling correctly.
“Performing on the Beaches of the Mind: An Essay (2002).” By Greg Dening.
For the same reason.
What’s next for you?
The adventure continues…
I’m not sure where it will take me but I’m pretty excited. I envision working on both artistic and academic projects. I want to work in an academic setting as well as outside of it, or maybe both together, as well as with other groups or unions etc. I intend to seek out and to collaborate with passionate people and work with different communities and in different places, with the aim at aligning our efforts towards work that matters. Social justice, labour, activism, theatre, public history, historical consciousness…sky feels like the limit but for now my feet are firmly planted on the ground. That shaky ground:) I’m going to take some time to figure out where I fit, or where I might continue…and so it goes…and beyond…