HIST 2301A: Canadian Political History
Summer 2025

Instructor: Kerry Badgley

Introduction: This is a survey course in Canadian political history that covers the period from Confederation to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau administration of the late twentieth century. The main goal is to enable you to become familiar with a solid, factual account of our national political evolution. The emphasis is on the historical/chronological evolution of our politics.

During the course, you will be introduced to themes such as political parties, pressure groups, and social movements. We will also evaluate the leaderships traits of our prominent political figures in order to give you the opportunity to build upon your own leadership awareness and potential.

The focus will primarily be on federal politics, but the development of provincial political power will be brought into the course whenever relevant to do so. There will be sweeping interpretations as well as detailed case studies that will illuminate the particulars. And there will be biographical interpretations of political leaders that demonstrate the impact of personality on politics and peoples.

Class Format: We meet online once each week in a three-hour lecture block. The normal distribution of time will be dedicated largely to lectures and to some class critical thinking exercises based on the examination of historical documents, images, and films.

Aims and Goals: The content of this course allows students to put their contemporary political experiences into broader contexts, and to appreciate the deep power relationships that have historically formed them. The course also provides a learning opportunity of how to plan and manage a significant research project (essay), a skill that translates well to a wide range of academic and professional work situations.

Assessment: The course has a combination of a written final exam and assignments designed to reflect the course themes and also build specific research and communication skills.

Text: The textbook is free and online:

Belshaw, J.D. Canadian History: Post-Confederation. Victoria, B.C.: BCampus, 2015: https://opentextbc.ca/postconfederation/

Questions? Please email me at: KerryBadgley@cunet.carleton.ca or contact me via phone at (873) 354-3452.