The Department of Law and Legal Studies is very pleased to announce that Dr. Saeed Parto, a co-founder and Director of Research at Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization and a founding member of APPRO-Europe, will be delivering a talk entitled:

“Rights and Conflict: ‘Human’ or ‘Fundamental’? Moral or Legal?”

Wednesday, March 20
12:00 – 1:30
Loeb building, B454

The presentation will be given by Saeed Parto based on findings from “Afghanistan Rights Monitor” (ARM), a project implemented by Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization (APPRO) with funding from the Government of the Netherlands. The project has a monitoring component to track how the changing dynamics of conflict affect the fundamental rights of the citizens, using UDHR to develop the monitoring indicators. The project also has a research component to investigate issues that come to light through the ongoing monitoring and a training component for state authorities and civil society organizations on how to develop a shared vocabulary for discourse on the protection of human rights in conflict environments.

Short bio:

Saeed Parto holds a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Waterloo (Ontario) and specializes in policy and institutional analysis with a focus on human development. He is co-founder and Director of Research at Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization (APPRO: based in Kabul, Afghanistan and a founding member of APPRO-Europe ( based in Brussels, Belgium. He also acts as Director – Academic for Center for Good Governance, Gender Analysis, Applied Social Research, Public Administration, and Development (GRAD: with a mandate to strengthen state-civil society relations toward good governance in Afghanistan through cross-certified training of candidates from government, civil society organizations and businesses in partnerships with reputed European and North American academic institutions and professional associations. Saeed Parto was an O’Brien Fellow in Residence at the Centre for Human Rights & Legal Pluralism between September and December, 2018.